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★ ᵎ . Y / N POV 𓏲 ๋࣭ 

I stood near the wide field, letting a breeze pass through my fur. It was such a calming night, so peaceful, yet a little too peaceful. I closed my eyes, not caring much about my thoughts and laid down on the green grass. This was the life, the best kind. I sighed happily, even if I was bored, I didn't dare ruin the moment. Well, I didn't at least. Something or someone was coming and it or they were coming fast, I could sense it. I hid behind the small bush near the fence, hoping whatever was approaching wouldn't see me nor sense me in any way possible. Peeking through the lush bush, I watched as the speeding 'thing' made its way to the baseball field. What were they doing?

The blue figure stood in the middle of the field, looking amazed for some reason. Suddenly, they went straight for the gear, what was this person planning? It ran to the first little area or as the humans call it 'first' or 'home' base. I watched as the figure got ready to play, themself? It was like they were teleporting, which was odd.

"Bottom of the ninth, tie score and exactly who you wanted the plate with a game on the line, Sonic!" The blue figure said. So, they were referred to as Sonic, a nice name it was, but this 'Sonic' was very odd. I studied it more, speeding to each base, saying words like it was in an actual game. I found that kind of charming yet sad. They were lonely here, just like I was but that wasn't the point here. Sonic threw the ball to first base and ran back to it, hitting it with lots of power, which was cool in my opinion. The white ball flew, making Sonic run once again towards it, trying to catch it but wasn't able to. This was almost like watching a full team in a real game. I sighed in awe, it wasn't every day you see something like this. The blue hedgehog, that's what it looked like, ran to each base swiftly. Even if they were playing alone, it looked easy for him at least.

The hedgehog had done a homerun and a little cheer, it was kind of cute I couldn't lie, then stood silently. Were they okay? A sad expression took over their happy one. "I really am alone," The hedgehog started, his voice saddened. They then took off their baseball helmet, continuously saying that they were alone. I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor hedgehog. Suddenly, Sonic started running, fast. Around the baseball field they went, it was kind of scary. I could barely see them like they were a blue blur, actually, that wasn't a bad nickname. Not long after, the hedgehog picked up speed like they were trying to blow up the world.

And that was exactly what happened.

The lights had exploded and went out. I'm confident the explosion had affected the whole world. The wind currents it had given off had blown me backwards and I tumbled out of my little hiding spot, dizzy. "I'm sure no one noticed that huge explosion," Sonic said awkwardly to himself.

My head had started to hurt causing me to groan in pain. Thank goodness the blue hedgehog didn't take notice of me, who knows what could've happened? Well, I hope they didn't. I sighed, and got up, quickly taking my leave from the field, hoping Sonic still didn't see me. I thought I had made my escape...

But really, Sonic did notice me.


Sorry if this chapter is short, I'll write longer ones in the future !

Sorry if this chapter is short, I'll write longer ones in the future !

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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