Orphan Gregory? (Part 1)

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Hi! Author here! Now,  just wanted to say that you for choosing to read this book. 

Here are some things to know about the book in general: 

1. This book is probably not canonically correct 

2. Characters probably act differently than their cannon selves.

3. All rights belong the Scott Cawthon for the FNAF Franchise 

4. All stories are completely random 

5. Some hints of stories can be found in my "FNAF Security Breach Head cannons" book. 

6. Gregory is an orphan, no theories are used. Gregory is canonically an orphan so he's an orphan in the book. 

7. Please no hate, I'm working really hard on this so it's funny, enjoyable, and overall a great book. 

8. Your comments are always appreciated and so are your votes! 

9. Thoughts are Italicized 

With that being said, let's begin! 

Edit: This takes place after everything with Security Breach. 


(In this short story, Sundrop and Moondrop are still attached. Refer to my Head cannons book for more info about this. They will be separated in other stories except for a couple.) 

It had been a perfectly normal Friday in the Pizza Plex. The Glamrocks had their shows and parties, Sundrop and Moondrop were busy in the Daycare, Vanessa was doing daily rounds, and Gregory was off with Sundrop and Moondrop in the Daycare. A normal routine. (EDIT) The daily routine in the Plex for the past week an a half. Everything was perfect. Nothing could ruin this perfect day, right? 

Wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. 

Freddy's P.O.V.

Our final show just ended and it seemed better than ever! Of course, I say that about all of our performances. But it never hurts to be positive. 

"Great show everybody! Everyone enjoyed it!" I said happily as we were taken down the service elevator. 

"It was a normal show Freddy. Nothing too exciting about it. We played our normal songs, added in a couple of new ones, boom! Happy crowd, happy children, happy parents, happy us." Chica said. 

"Oh come on, you have to admit, I was rocking it out there!" Roxy exclaimed before doing a small riff on her keytar. During her small solo riff, the service elevator came to a stop and we all disembarked

"You were amazing out there Roxy. Don't worry." I assured her as we made our way over to the doors in parts and services. 

"You were all amazing out there. Don't forget, we have the weekend to rest so take advantage of that." I said. 

"Obviously! Karaoke on Saturday!" Roxy yelled. 

"But we said we'd do a mini-golf game on Saturday!" Monty argued. Roxy crossed her arms over her chest. "Did we though?" She asked. 

"Calm down you two. Golf first, karaoke after. See? Simple." Chica said as she disappeared into the door. "Alright. See ya! I'm going to read!" Roxy yelled while she vanished into her door. Monty followed suit and I followed afterwards. 

I hummed a small song as I walked down the hall and into my room. I walked in and sat down on the red couch on the other side of the room. I picked up a small drawing that had been laying around and put it on the table. I heard the door open and Gregory ran in. He carried a couple papers in one hand and a small plush in the other. Sundrop came in afterwards with some of Gregory's stuff. 

"Here's Gregory! All energized and ready for the night. He was really helpful in the Daycare! Moondrop agrees!" Sundrop said happily as he put down Gregory's stuff. Gregory smiled. "We had lots of fun! Moondrop even let me help him put the others kids to bed!" He exclaimed. I chuckled. "Glad you had fun cub." I said. "Thanks for bringing him back as well Sundrop. I know you have lots of stuff to clean up at the Daycare." I said. "No worries Freddy! Like I said, Gregory was a huge help! He helped clean up the Daycare a bit! I just have a few more things to clean and put aware before Monday!" Sundrop said. "I'm off now! Later Sunlight! Bye Freddy!" he said before skipping away. 

"Thank you for helping the twins Gregory." I said. "Your welcome! It was fun anyways!" he said happily. He put down his plush and gave me the papers he had. "Here you go! There's some for the others in there as well." He said. I looked through the papers which were filled in drawings of everybody. From Vanessa, to Roxy, to Monty, to Chica, to myself. "These are amazing! They'll love them." I said. "They better. I spent way to long on them that I almost missed snack time." he huffed. I laughed. "Don't worry. They'll love it." I said. He smiled and wandered over to the window and as soon as he did, he scrambled behind one of the curtains. It reminded me of when he was terrified of Vanessa. 

Gregory's P.O.V. 

How did they find me!? Yeah, the pizza plex is the obvious place to check because the animatronics are definitely going to let you stay without a pass. Obviously 

I'm pretty sure Freddy is concerned. I mean, the last time I was like this, I was paranoid of Vanessa who was under the control of some weirdo and killing kids under the alias, Vanny. But this time, I was hiding from orphanage workers. Workers from the orphanage I escaped from. 

"Gregory, are you alright?" Freddy asked. "Yeah. I'm ok. Just don't let them see me." I said as I peeked out from behind the curtain. They were now talking to Vanessa. Crap. 

"Let who see you?" Freddy asked. "Those people! They're horrible people Freddy!" I said. "The orphanage workers? What do you mean?" He asked. "I'm an orphan Freddy! I ran away! They're looking for me! Don't let them take me Freddy! I don't want to go back!" I yelled, beginning to cry. Freddy beckoned me over to him so I quickly ran over to him.  I hugged him tightly and he hugged me. "Don't worry Gregory. I won't let them take you." he said. I sniffed. "Ok." I mumbled. 

There was a loud pounding on the door and I froze. "Freddy! Can I come in?" Vanessa called. "One moment, please." Freddy called. He opened his stomach hatch for me and I climbed in. Once it was closed, Freddy walked over to the door and opened it. "Officer Vanessa, what do you require assistance for?" he asked. "The kid is an orphan. The orphanage workers have to take him back. He ran away." Vanessa explained. "I am aware. He told me himself." Freddy said. 

"Mr. Fazbear? Give us the child." I heard the orphanage worker say. "No." Freddy replied. I heard him walk backwards and I heard the door slam shut. I jumped out of his stomach hatch and hugged Freddy's leg. "I don't want to go Freddy!" I cried. "And you won't go." He said. There was loud banding on the door but Freddy and I barricaded it. Then, the window cracked. 


Dun, dun, DUN. 

Part 1 is Completed! Part 2 out soon! I hope this chapter was good! Pls let me know! Thank you and I hope you have a great day/night. If the chapter is bad, you can blame lack of sleep. It's is currently 2:20 am and I'm still awake. Help. 



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