Orphan Gregory? (Part 3)

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Hi. I'm so sorry for the wait for this chapter. But I have zero ideas. I had a comment on my last chapter so I thought I should address it. The comment on my last chapter brought up something that has probably brought up some confusion and I'm super sorry for not adding it in. I'll tell you what it was. 

So the comment asked if Vanessa had tried to talk the orphanage workers out of taking Gregory, and I have a feeling very few people will read the comments so I'll tell you now. 

So the answer to the comment is yes. Vanessa had tried but the workers had been under strict orders to bring back Gregory. NO EXCEPTIONS. So while they did want to let him stay, they had to follow through their orders. 

Also, in case you get confused again. There had actually been three workers but the third one had been called in after everything went pretty downhill. 

There it is! I hope this has cleared up any confusion. Please let me know if any future chapters are confusing/hard to understand. This helps me add in edits to fix it up. I always appreciate it. 

Moving on. This is the last part of the Orphan Gregory? series so this will complete it all. The next short story will be Gregory getting injured. This was mentioned in my "Security Breach Headcannons" book. 

This chapter takes place after Gregory was taken away and will slightly show how the orphanage is run

WARNING PLEASE READ: this is NOT based on any real orphanages and I am not trying to make them seem bad. This is NOT to be taken seriously or to be thought of how an orphanage is actually run. PLEASE DO NOT THINK THAT ALL ORPHNAGES ARE RUN LIKE THIS. THAT COULD GET MY ACCOUNT REMOVED OR THIS STORY DELETED. THIS WARNING EXISTS FOR A REASON. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE IT. 


Alright, now that I've gotten all of this out of the way, I think we could begin. 


Gregory's P.O.V. 

I didn't like it. I was back in the orphanage and it was just as bad as I remembered it.

The owner didn't care how we were care for. Just that we didn't cause trouble or  make them lose business. That meant the workers could treat us however they wanted. 

Being led through the halls, I saw kids huddled up near the walls, in corners, or under the staircase. Each covering their mouths, trying to not make a sound. 

You see, the workers, they couldn't bother to take care of us, aside from the few workers that always end up quitting after two or three years. They were just here to make sure we didn't leave. Run away, I should say, just like I did. And because the owner didn't care how we were taken care of, they had the free will to do as they wanted to us. There were times we wouldn't be allowed to eat, we'd be punished for something we didn't even do, or locked up in our shared rooms for several days at a time. Even if it just a tiny noise, these workers would getting annoyed. Nobody liked it here. 

I was led up the stairs and to the second floor before being brought over to an isolated room at the end of the east hallway. I couldn't believe it. Nobody wanted to go in this room. It was for the worse troublemakers. Once put in there, you aren't let out. You stay there for as long as they decided before being let. 

WARNING BRIEF DESCRITION OF PANIC ATTACK! (or what I hope is a good description, no offense to anyone who experiences panic or anxiety attacks. But also, please don't hesitate to educate me on how it sometimes happens, feels, the emotions the person having said attack feels, I want to be able to better educate myself to write better stories)

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