Authors Note

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Hello. Author here. I just wanted to say a few things, especially since I've been gone for a year and have some ideas about different things, as well as some requests now that I've returned to my nonexistent readers and followers. 

1: I am sorry for being nonexistent in uploading for a year. I am so sorry. I just got busy and sorta forgot about these stories. However, I will try uploading maybe once a week if I have the time. I have ideas for these stories. 

2: As you know, the RUIN DLC recently came out. In regards to that, I had to think about if I wanted to include Cassie and the other characters in future stories, but I decided against it. This is because when I made the book, it was built around the original security breach and the orphan and princess quest ending. While RUIN takes place after the princess quest ending, I personally don't want to worry about trying to wonder how I can add them. HOWEVER, I may do special stories with the RUIN DLC if a certain amount of views is reached, which may never happen so they may also be special updates. 

3. Please don't expect me to upload daily. I can try, try to make a schedule but it might all come down to being just when I have the time. However, I can try once a week uploads. But don't expect much as I am a major procrastinator.

4. Criticism and thoughts is always allowed! I want to see your thoughts about my stories! And constructive criticism is always welcome, I'm always looking to improve and grow in my writing. Hate will not be tolerated. Destructive criticism will also not be tolerated. Be respectful with your criticism and thoughts. 

5. I write for fun, and I don't expect you guys to like my works, especially because I don't like them sometimes. I'm not trying to write perfect pieces of works, my stuff is probably cringe and I accept that. But give my works a chance. 

6. Next story will be a little mishap with Gregory. The maintenance tunnels, injuries, a broken fazwatch, worried animatronics...who knows what happened. (if you read my headcannons book you will know)

Thank you for reading through. 



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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