Orphan Gregory (Part 2)

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Welcome to part two! To keep this short, I'll just put in a few things


2. This is going to go down like a fight scene. You have been warned. 

3. Here enters Moondrop. When they're talking through their mental connection, Moondrop/Sundrop's words are bolded. 

4. Definitely cringe =P


Gregory's P.O.V. 

No no no no no no no no no. I couldn't go back. Going back would mean abandoning Freddy and-and Chica and Monty and Roxy and Sundrop and Moondrop and Vanessa. Sure they may. have tried to kill me, Freddy and Sundrop excluded, but they were my friends now and I didn't want to leave them. 

The window cracked once again, the cracks slithering closer and closer to the edges before it shattered. Freddy ducked over me to keep me from getting injured.  

"Mr. Fazbear. Give us the kid and we'll be out of here." one of the orphan workers said. 

"I'm not giving up my cub." Freddy growled. I hugged him tightly as he stood up. The worker lunged at us and attempted to grab me, but Freddy moved away quickly. The second worker chased us from behind while the other one tried to grab me. Freddy kept bumping into stuff but he kept a firm grip on me, refusing to let go. I wrapped my arms around his head and held on for dear life as he kept running and jumping. It was chaos. I was crying the entire time.  

Security bots were knocked down, plants were tipped over, signs were flipped upside-down, and water fountains were being destroyed by Freddy running into them. Dirt was scattered all over the floor, water was covering the floor, leaves were everywhere. Vanessa was busy yelling at us and trying to get Freddy and the orphanage workers to stop, but was unsuccessful. 

The chaos alerted the others because they all began to exit their rooms. "What's all the commotion about?" I heard Chica say as she walked out of her room. 

"I'm reading over here!" Roxy yelled. 

"Shut up!" Monty roared.

All their talking stopped, all at once, after they saw what was happening on the ground floor. 

"Freddy! Vanessa! Why are there orphan workers here!" Roxy asked as one of the workers jumped on Freddy, causing me to scream.

"They're trying to get the kid. He's an orphan!" Vanessa yelled. 

"You won't let them take him right? 

"They won't take him from us right?" 

"They're going to be fine right?" 

Their voices began overlapping and I tuned out all conversations. I had to focus on the problem at hand, which were the workers. The second workers jumped on Freddy and the weight caused him to collapse. I tumbled out of his arms and rolled over to one of the planters. 

"Go to Sundrop, Gregory!" Chica yelled as she ran to go help Freddy. 

"Come on little man!" Monty said as he lifted me up and ran through the barriers. 

"Don't drop me! Don't drop me! Don't fucking drop me Monty!" I screamed as I held onto him for dear fucking life. He had such a loose grip on me that it felt like I would fall. 

"Sorry." He said, tightening his hold on me while running up the stairs. 

I looked over his shoulder and saw one of the workers running after us. 

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