A Ghost

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Yaz's POV
After the Doctor ran out of the room looking panicked and worried. I gave her about ten minutes for her to be on her own. I stood up from the sofa I was sitting on and I walked down the hall to were the Doctor had ran into. I cracked open the Door to see the Doctor with her hands and knees covering her face. I gently walked over to her and pull her into a side hug. Then after a few minutes she looks up at me and I see that her face had red lines where the tears had ran, her beautiful hazel eye where now bloodshot and red. I start rubbing her back slowly. "What happened?" I asked her softly. Her crying calmed down at this point. "I heared screams and crying. It made me think of bad memories." She said taking in a big sniffle. I felt so bad for her. All these lives that she still remembers and all the ones that she doesn't contain so much bad memories. We stayed like this for while until we heard thundering down the hallway and I quickly got off the Doctor just in case if it was Henry or Anne. The door swung open and Anne, Henry, Ryan and Graham flooded into the room. "What's going on?" I asked. Henry turned around to Anne and pointed a finger at her. "THIS IS ALL HER FAULT!" He thundered. "What's all Anne's fault?" Asked the Doctor pulled on what she called "her invisible Doctor pants" "THE HOUSE YOU IDIOT! HAVN'T YOU HEARD THE CRYING AND THE GODDAM SCREAMS OR ARE YOU JUST TOO THICK. GOD WOMEN ARE JUST ASSHOLES SOMETIMES!" Screamed Henry he had definitely reach another level of anger that he didn't know was possible. " HENRY! DON'T YOU EVEN BLOODY DARE! MARY IS COMING HOME SOON AND SHE DOES'NT NEED TO COME HOME TO HER STUPID PARENTS ARGUING!" Said Anne and she took a sung at Henry making him fall to the floor. Suddenly about the guards came in and two of them held Anne tight. "Take her to the Dungeons! We shall excite her tomorrow!" Said Henry and he grabbed onto my waist to help him get up from the floor. The Doctor came up to Henry and kicked him to right in the balls as well. Ryan and Graham was standing there still trying to process everything. "Ooooh" Said Ryan. "WHAT THE LIVING HELL WAS THAT FOR!" Screamed Henry he walked straight up to my girlfriend and held her in a choke. Right beside me was a bat and quickly and quietly I hit Henry it the back of the head making him let go of The Doctor and he fell to the floor. I hear her panting for breath. "You okay?" I said to her hugging her. "Yeah I am okay what about you?" She said and her breathing renatured back to normal. "Doctor! You were place in a chokehold while Henry only placed his hand on my waist." I said. I placed my head in the crook of her neck. "None is aloud to touch you like that except from me." I hear her say. I look down to her. " Okay." I said then I hear a little cough. I completely forgot that Ryan and Graham were still there. Graham shut and locked the door. "We get that you two are really cute but still STOP with the flirting." Said Graham. Then it happened. The door was moving. Loud gruff voices from the other side.

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