The other me's

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Yaz's POV
I look over to my girlfriend she had a shocked look on her face looking right infront of her. I turn my head to where she was looking at. Four men one with a black leather jacket, a maroon shirt, black jean and black shoes he also had dark brown hair. The man standing next to him was a man with spiky brown hair, a brown stripy suit and brown shoes. The man next to him was a man with flat brown hair and wore brown coat, a white shirt, blue bow tie, brown trousers and brown shoes. Then the final man was a much older looking man with white hair and wore a black coat with a white t-shirt, a grey hoodie, black trousers and black shoes. "Who the hell are they Doc?" Asked Graham. "T-they are m-me." Said the Doctor voice shaking. I held her hand tight for some comfort. "Oh my Days we are a woman now!" Said the man with the brown suit. "I am her 10th form." Said ten. "I am her 9th form." Said 9 he was the one in the black leather jacket. "Fantastic." Said nine. "I am her 11th form." Said eleven the one with the bow tie. "And that must be her 12th form." Said Ryan piecing the pieces together. "Yep, wait how did you know?" Said the white haired Scotsman. "Mabye because your Scottish mate." Said Graham vid made twelve a bit angry. "Aghh you're worst than Nardole." Said Twelve flinging his arms up. "So what are you doing here?" Asked our Doctor raising her eyebrows. "We want to put Gallifrey back to its old glory." Said Ten. My mouth gaped open I know Gallifrey for this Doctor was a hard subject since the master came and destroyed it and her. "You can't." I said quietly I look at our Doctor and I saw her face dropped and her eyes staring down at the floor. The other Doctor's look at us confused. "What happened?" Asked Nine I saw the Doctor look up from her feet and wiped away a tear that fell from her cheek. She looks at me a gives me a sad smile. "Only do it if your ready and comfortable." I say to her a tear runs down her face and with my hand I wipe it away. "Gallifrey was destroyed by the Master. Yes he's back. He showed me it and a lot of our past. We aren't time lords. Actually we are the reason why the Time Lords exists. A woman named Tectum took us when we were a child and we were her lab rat." Said Our Doctor sadly and I pulled her into a hug and she burried her face into my chest while I gently rubbed her back. "Oh." Said The male Doctor's. Suddenly The Doctor pulled herself out of my grasp and ran away. "Poor present us." Said Twelve with a sad look on his face. Then Eleven look at me then at Ryan and Graham. "So you lot are her companions." He said. "Yes we are we are her fam." Said Graham. "And I am her girlfriend as well." I said the other Doctor's look at me shocked. "Look at present us somethings never change." Said Nine with a smile on his face. It was about ten minutes since the Doctor ran away. "I am going to cheek on the Doctor." I said turning to go and find her. I hear Graham and Ryan yawn. "And we're off to bed. Night." Said Graham yawning again. "Night." Said Ryan tiredly. "Goodnight." Said The other Doctors as they keep on chatting to each other about a Fez.

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