Chapter one- Shoujo Manga

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Anya sat in the dimly lit library with her best friend Becky, the place teeming with people studying or simply enjoying a good book, such as Becky who was nose deep in a Shoujo Manga.

Anya was slumped over an English textbook, the words on the pages of the textbook appeared to her to be meaningless scribbles to her.

"Anya, you need to read this manga." Becky whispered quietly to Anya, who was on the verge of collapsing from information overload.

"I don't read that romantic stuff, Becky," Anya replies, lowering her head onto her arms, her pink silky long hair strewn across the desk.

"But this is so good, the boy invites her to his house in this scene, and they-" Anya jolts up immediately, interrupting Becky's statement.

"he invites her to his house?" Anya becomes engrossed in Becky's manga for the first time.

"Woah, don't do that, you might get dizzy," Becky expressed her concern.

Anya murmurs gently, a little wobbly, "Sorry."

'becoming an imperial scholar was supposed to end papa's mission, but Donvan Desmond doesn't show his face at Eden academy events, So I need to find another way to get Damian to invite me and my papa to his house to meet his papa'

"Anyhow, would you like to read it?" Becky moves the stack of manga volumes across to Anya, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Anya takes the first volume from the pile and reads the title, 'Love in full bloom.'

"I'm not sure, but I usually read Bondman or a series called Ciaki's disastrous Life. I love the idea of a teenage boy with superpowers and blue hair "Anya exclaims with glee.

"Well, it's always good to try something new," Becky adds as she pats her pal on the shoulder.

"Finel, I'll borrow it," says Anya. Becky was ecstatic that Anya was finally showing interest in something she enjoyed.

- - -

'I'm only doing this for the sake of world peace,' she claims. Anya pondered with her hands on her hips, determinedly staring at the pile of Manga on her bedroom desk.

Anya sits down at her desk, picks up the first volume, and begins reading.

The main female character was cute and beautiful, which was the first thing she noticed. she was very "fe-mem-nim" 

She was reading through the first few chapters when she came across a situation that reminded her of her time with Sy-on boy.

The boy in the Manga caught the ball to protect the girl from being hit in a game of dodgeball, but Damian didn't catch the ball like the boy in the Manga did.

She completed the first volume and placed the book on her desk.

"Hm, Anya needs to be cute in order for Sy-on to like me; if Sy-on boy likes me, he can ask me to his house," Anya mumbled.

She went back to the second volume and resumed reading.

The girl was confessing to the boy on the school's roof top at the start of the second volume, "I like you, please go out with me," she said, surrounded by sparkles.

"Go out? What's that supposed to mean ?" She'll have to ask Becky about it when she sees her tomorrow.

"Okay, my first mission is to be cute, so I'll probably change my hair like the girl in the manga! "For world peace," she says to herself before taking a nervous gulp.

"Anya!! Dinner is ready!" Loid exclaimed.

"Dad, please come!" She walked out of the room, wondering what was for dinner.

Anya awoke the next day in her uniform, her imperial scholar cloak carefully sat on her shoulders, and she gazed in the mirror.

"Hmm, how can I style it?" she said, pulling a strand of hair up. She expressed herself, her cheeks filled with air

"Anya, Are you all set?" Yor inquired as she entered the room.

"Mother, could you please help me with my hair? I'd like to do something different today," she added, turning to Yor.

"Of course!" Yor stated as she walked over to Anya with a bright excited smile, she felt as if Anya was her own.

When Yor had finished, In the mirror, Anya examined her hair.

Anya responded with a bright smile, the front pieces of her pink locks dangling down her face and her hair gathered up into a ponytail with her horn clips remained in her hair.

"It's different, I just put it up for you" Yor exclaimed as she placed her hands on Anya's shoulders, looking into mirror.

'I'm doing all this work for Damian... for world peace,' she thought. Anya smiled at herself in the mirror.

"Thank you, Mama; I feel very cute!" Anya exclaims, earning a chuckle from Yor.

"Anya, the bus is here!" Loid called from the living room.

Anya replied, "Coming Papa," as she walked out the door to the huge yellow school bus she had been riding since first grade

When Anya arrived at school, she saw Becky stepping out of her fancy black car
"Becky!" She called out to her.

Becky's eyes widen as she sees Anya. "Anya!!" Becky was ecstatic and dashed over to her.

"Your hair! Is it different now?" She exclaimed, circling Anya with a sparkle brighter than the sun in her eyes.

"Yes, that was done for me by my Mama, do you like?" She said that while standing tall and confident.

"Let's go!" exclaims Becky. Walking into the school gates with Anya

'hehe, Anya made sure to look very cute today, there must be someone she has a crush on' Becky thought as her face lit up

Damian and his companions were walking onto the school grounds from the dorm complex.

'There he is, Sy-on boy and his henchmen,' Anya felt her heart start to beat faster than usual... why?

"Oh, Forger and Blackbell," Damian remarked, Becky anticipating him to trash them as he usually does, and Anya expecting him to notice her new hairstyle.

"Your hair looks different today," he said, hands buried in his pockets.

"Yes, My Ma helped me in doing it differently today," she exclaimed, her shining expression blinding Damian.

"It looks... good," he replied anxiously, his hand behind his neck, his face was red as a tomato.

"Thanks, Sy-on boy," she responded, smiling. "My plan is working, hehe," she thought.

Becky noticed how the pair were acting and excitedly grabbed Anya. "Let's hurry to class now boys," she said. Becky explained that she dragged her along to get away from the boys.

As they walked, Becky whispered to Anya, "Oh, I understand what's going on here, You have a crush on Damian."

"W-what?!? Me have a crush on Sy-on boy? What gave you that idea?" Anya answered uncomfortably, It was not like she liked him,  she just wanted to help her papa with his mission, or so she believed.

'I was right, as always, Anya and Damian are crushing on each other; don't worry, Anya, I'll assist you!' With a confident grin on her face, Becky pondered.

"It's so clear, you were blushing and nervous in front of him, but don't worry, he was nervous too," Becky exclaimed as they entered the school building. Anya managed to free herself from Becky's grip.

"Whatever, I don't like him" Anya said denying it with her arms crossed over her chest

"Your not a very good liar" Becky said smirking

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