Chapter nine: School Trip

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"So you remember what our objective today is correct?" Becky whispered to Emile

"Yes Yes, we must make sure Anya and Damian-sama are alone together" Emile replies nodding

"Correct, Operation Damianya is a Go" She said

Damian was walking towards the pair with one hand stuffed into the pocket of his school jacket

"You two seem awfully close" Damian said, a smirk on his face 'They tease me all the time whats the harm in doing it back?'

"Uh, we were deciding on what to write the report about!" Emile hesitated

"We haven't even gotten on the bus yet" Damian gave him a unimpressed look

"Bye Papa!" Anya called out, catching the group's attention, Her hair was up in a ponytail again, which reminded Damian, that the only reason he had the confidence to talk to her normally was due to her hair being in a ponytail that day.

"Hey Guys" Anya said gleaming with joy, Damian avoided eye contact.

"Hey Anya, You look excited" Becky said tiredly

"Yes!" Anya said throwing her arms around Becky's shoulders earning a soft smile from her

"It's only a boring museum" Emile says tiredly stretching his arms over his head

"Don't be such a buzzkill Emile" Damian said elbowing Emile softly

"Sorry Damian-sama I wont be mean to your girlfriend ever again" Emile said

Anya was thinking of ways to make plan C proceed today, she liked to think she was doing extremely well, but she still couldn't get a confession out, there just hasn't been a good moment.

'Maybe I could sit next to him on the bus? Maybe fall asleep on his shoulder like in the Manga Becky gave me?' Anya was deep in thought

"You we're bouncing off the walls a second ago, What happened?" Damian asked examining Anya who had a hand on her chin

"Huh? Nothing" Anya said dropping her arm

"Ok, we are all here I shall take attendance just to be sure" Mr Henderson announced to the groups of students standing around.

- - -

The students began entering the bus, the bus was extremely fancy, as to be expected of eden academy
The seats were red leather in rows of two, an over head compartment lined the top of the bus and the windows had black curtains

"I'm sitting with Emile" Becky said grabbing Emile's arm, Emile looked very unimpressed but he had to do what he had to do for Operation Damianya

"Looks like Anya has to sit next to Sy-on boy, This was totally not intentional" Anya said sarcastically

Becky and Emile turn around to board the bus

Damian made a "Pst" noise and pulled Anya towards him "W-What?" She was shocked by the sudden contact

"I think Emile and Blackbell Girl are hiding something from us" Damian whispered covering his mouth with his hand in a secretive way

"Wait.. you think Becky and Elman are.." Anya whispered back with a pause

"Mhm, That" Damian replies with a nod

"they are very close but I don't think They're dating " Anya said shaking her head

"Did you see the way she grabbed his arm?!" Damian said, but Anya was still in denial, Becky told Anya everything why would she not tell her this?

"Has he said anything to you about this?" Anya asked as the Two began to board the bus

Love in Bloom (Anya Forger x Damian Desmond)Where stories live. Discover now