Chapter four: Study Date

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Anya waved Becky good bye as the black car drove down the street, Anya turned to walk back into the school.

"Hey" Damian said jumping out of a bush his brown hair had leaves in it

"Jumping out of a bush isn't very elegant Mr Desmond" Anya said mocking their teacher Mr Henderson, there was something hilarious about seeing a boy as high up in status as Damian Desmond jumping out of a bush.

"I'm sorry, I needed to escape from Emile and Ewen, you should've seen them looking around in confusion they were all like Boss Man where did you go??" he said, a sheepish grin on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck

'Why was that so cute!? I'm not supposed to find Sy-on boy cute!' Anya thought looking at Damian in awe, she noticed there was a leaf in his hair

She stepped in closer and reached for his hair, a deep red coated his cheeks, "W-What are you doing?!" He said stepping back nervously.

Anya looked at him puzzled "huh? Sy-on boy had a leaf in his hair, kind of expected since you were hiding in a bush" She said her soft expression made her look innocent, when in fact she knew exactly how this affected Damian.

They walk along side each other, they looked like a pair of tomatoes that had grown legs and started walking  towards the library building

They enter the library, the cedar wood smell invading their noses, bringing them that comforting feeling a library brings, it was almost empty since most students had left the campus and students that live on campus prefer to use the dorm study facilities or their rooms, excluding the librarian who was sat behind the counter.

The two take a seat, there was an awkward silence between them before Damian spoke up  "Ok, show me your homework", Anya hands him the book she did her homework in.

he flicks through the pages "Hmm, everything is correct, but they're all in the wrong places," he says as he examines the pages before setting the book down on to the desk. 'How did she manage that?' Damian wondered.

'Because I read Papa's mind, he skims through the work so I don't know what he is answering' she thought, "That's weird" is how she decided to respond to Damian

he let out a sigh "You should try doing this instead" He started explaining to her the first, she gave him her full attention but he was panicking internally 'Calm down Damian, your a Desmond you must remain calm, Ok... HOW AM I MEAN'T TO STAY CALM' Damian thought,

he was alone with Anya, Yes Damian remembered there was also that time with the vending machine earlier today but this was very different they were very Alone.

- - -

after and hour of flustered Damian trying to teach Anya, Anya drops the pen "I'm beat" Anya says leaning on to the desk her head atop of her folded arms she gazed up at Damian with her sparking Emerald eyes

Damian just respond with a "Hm" as he slumped into his seat

"So... Why have you been so nice to Becky and I recently, Sy-on boy?" Anya asked him with a smirk her cheek being squished against her arm.

"It was about time.. I mean we are older and more mature now we can leave our childish rivalry behind us" he answered clearly a lie, he was being nice because he liked her, propping his arm on the desk placing his chin on the palm of his hand

"Great! Because Anya doesn't want Sy-on boy to hate her anymore" Anya whispered gently, smiling.

He murmured, his red face looking away nervously, "I... I never hated you."

"Really? you were always calling names and you even said you were going to bully me out of the school" she said sitting up, leaning on her arms since the position she was lying in was very uncomfortable

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