Chapter Three

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It was going on 2 in the morning when Dick had the idea to prank Bec. It was her second day here, and we didn't want her getting too comfortable. (*wink wink*)

So Dick and I held the large bucket as Damian and Jason held the door open for us, following when we approached her bed. The light from the hallway dimly lit the front of her room and we watching her sleep.

"Aw, she looks so peaceful." I whisper and Damian smiled as Jason pulled out his phone, putting his flash on to record. "Ready?" Dick whispers and we all nodded.

"BECKY!!!!" Damian yelled loudly in her ear and as soon as her body flung up with sudden energy (most likely from her adrenaline from her fright), Dick and I poured the ice cold water on her. Jason put his fist to his lips as he smiled, watching through the video he was taking. We all got in the video and yelled, "THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!!"

We laughed as we looked at Bec who's face was turning red.

"It was all Dick's idea!" Jason, Damian and I pointed at Dick, Jason still holding his phone. Rebecca flung from her soaked bed and jumped onto Dick, hitting and punching away until Jason's light got in her eyes. Her brows furrowed as she got up from on top of Dick and ran after Jason. He kept recording as she ran towards him until she tackled him onto the ground. Damian took Jason's phone from the floor and recording Bec attacking him. Then she flicked her look at Damian. Bad idea, Dame. I think to myself as she sends him a deadly glare.

"Devil inside much." He whispers my way until she starts crying. Suddenly, the fun changed and we got regretful. She ran outside the room, face in hands and running to the bathroom.

I ran into the bathroom, locking it behind me as the boys caught up. I looked everywhere for something to scare them back with. "Bec! We didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" Damian started as Dick added, "Yeah, it was just a prank!" "I deleted the video. Just please come out!" Jason continued.

I fake cried louder, still trying to find something. "Shit, shit, shit." I say as there's nothing. I took a deep breath as I saw a small trash can. I took the bag out and filled it with cold water. Not as cold as the one they hit me with, but it'll have to do. I gently put my hand on the door knob after unlocking it. I swung the door open, a fierce barbarian yell escaping my lips as I through the can and the water flew at them. Next, I dropped the can and tackled them, spreading my arms so all of them would fall. I landed half on Jason and half on Tim. We all laughed uncontrollably, noticing how manly my yell was.

We all got up and grabbed a towel. I went to change clothes, into something dry, realizing they knocked my sleepiness away. Great. 3 o'clock in the morning and I can't go to sleep.

I walked back out after spreading out my bed sheets so they could air dry.

"God, I hate you guys." I say as I walk into a TV room with them. I laid on the floor as Jason said, "But you love us." He scrunched up his nose and shook his head and it was adorable but I didn't show them it was. I gave a fake smile, then immediately dropped it back to my 'I'll choke you to death the next time you do that shit to me at 2 in the fucking morning' look. They laughed and I rolled my eyes as I kicked my feet in the air, watching the TV. The boys were huddled together on the couch as they looked on Jason's phone. "You bastard!" I yell, immediately getting up and grabbing the phone, "You said you deleted it!"

He laughed as I sat on his lap, watching the video for myself with the boys watching it from behind me. I started it over and the first part. I couldn't help but laugh. My face was priceless. We all laughed at my facial expressions and the part where Damian said I looked like the Devil Inside (a scary movie). Which gave me an idea. A scary movie, perfect for getting them.

I turned it on as the four kept replaying and laughing at the video. "Ha-ha. I forgot to laugh." I say sarcastically as I put in Insidious Part One after I found it. As the movie started, I turned off all lights and waited for the scariest parts to come so I could scare them.

When we saw a dark, tall, scary thing in the corner, I grabbed the back of Dick's neck and he jumped so hard, it was so funny. Next was Tim. He was laying on his stomach, so I was aiming for his ankle, the second most scariest place to be grabbed.

Throughout the entire movie, I was scaring the boys with jumpscares and suddenly grabbing them. It made the entire scary movie funny.

When it came off I got up with a yawn. "Well I'm heading to bed, enjoy the darkness boys." I smirk as I begin to walk back to my room. "Becky!" Damian called and I turned around. "I'm scared now! Can I sleep with you?"

"Why don't you sleep with one of your brothers?" I ask with a smile.

"They're scared too." He says out of his baby voice as he looks over his shoulder to them. I take his tiny hand again and nod. I look at the rest of the older boys, mouths nearly dropped. I knew Damian had me wrapped around his finger, but I didn't care. He was only 7 and adorable, so.

In the middle of the night, my door crept open a little and there stood Tim, looking sad with his pajamas. Damian was tucked next to me and I sighed, patting the bed next to me and Tim smiled, running and jumping onto the bed.

And next thing I know, the bed is crowded with the four boys. I groaned as I began to get too hot and claustrophobic. I slipped from the bed and walked out of the room,heading back to the TV room to sleep on the couch. They really just jacked my bed. I grab a blanket from a hallway closet and then turn the TV on, laying down on the couch until I go to sleep.

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