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इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टि॒र्यत॑ आब॒भूव॒ यदि॑ वा द॒धे यदि॑ वा॒ न ।

यो अ॒स्याध्य॑क्षः पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्त्सो अ॒ङ्ग वे॑द॒ यदि॑ वा॒

न वेद॑ ॥७॥

iyaṃ visṛṣṭir yata ābabhūva yadi vā dadhē yadi vā na |

yō asyā adhyakṣaḥ paramē vyōman sō aṅga vēda yadi vā na vēda

'Whether or not He brought into being all of Creation,

He watches over it all from within and without, and He knows

Or maybe even He doesn't know.'

I am One. I am time, I am space, I am matter, I am energy. I am the infinitesimal as well as all that extends into the infinite. I am the singularity that started it all and the totality that it has become. I am the cosmic continuum that embodies everything that came out of the primordial impulse at the very beginning. I am everything and nothing.

Manifesting in places as life, I am also the individual and collective consciousness that binds all of creation. For in the end, all that is, was and will be is but a saga of this all permeating consciousness that preceded creation. Unknown to most, beyond that which is seen and experienced, there exists a will that permeates and transcends the fabric of creation. It is woven out of time, space, thoughts, consciousness and dreams. This will compels every life ever created to continuously evolve or perish trying.

And for all the living beings, who, in their perpetual endeavour to survive are forced to continuously evolve, an epiphany awaits at some point in their story of evolution. After crossing a certain threshold in the evolutionary process, there comes about a convergence amongst all. Then, as it was at its inception, life assumes a singular form.

In time, there were those amongst these most evolved beings who finally discovered, what they believed to be the true purpose of life and how to reach it. Dubbed as the Lotus Trail, the ones who reached the end of this final evolutionary journey came face-to-face with the ultimate knowledge and understanding of the universe itself. They were called Shidhayii. They were, and still remain the most powerful beings in the entire universe. And when they are finally ready, they freely merge with the totality of creation. They merge with Me.

Amidst this certainty of purpose and direction, driven perhaps by the same subconscious will that forces all into a ceaseless process of evolution, one Shidhayii asked the question that nobody had asked before. And like any other question that has ever been asked into existence, once born, it was destined to find the answer it sought. All that was needed was the right mind to serve as the conduit for their union. When that union eventually happened, those amongst the firsts to find and understand the answer were so afraid of it that they decided to hide it forever. It was forbidden to ask that question ever again.

But then, creation does not abide by the rules of the created. In time, someone did ask the same question one more time. And someone else went looking for the answer.

It was in the quest to prevent this one individual, that the Shidhayiis concealing the answer, were in the end forced to unleash a cosmic conflict, the likes of which had not been seen before. For the first time, the most powerful beings of the universe declared war against each other. With powers of destruction far beyond what mortals in their wildest imagination could ever have conjured up for the most powerful gods and immortals of myths and legends, the keepers and seekers of the forbidden answer fought each other all across the known creation and beyond, in darkness and in light, across time and space.

But just like order, no chaos lasts forever. Finally, when the keepers, the sentinels of the last forbidden knowledge of creation were almost wiped out, it was time even for this conflict to come to an end. But not before the losing side had performed their final desperate acts of destruction.

Author's Note: They say, well begun is half done. If you like the beginning, do keep reading. You might consider voting  too. Feel free to comment. Any feedback is more than welcomed. Your engagement with my creation will help more people find the story that you've invested so much time reading. TIA

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