12. Against All Odds

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The outer windows of the space station orbiting Ralnac faced the white sun of the solar system. As Erra stood looking out, dozens of spaceships zipped past his window, headed for the planet's surface. Many more, like shooting stars, were bursting through the planet's dense outer atmosphere, before disappearing into the dark space above.

The Commodore reluctantly glanced at the two screens that were still hovering in front of him. The first counted the number of civilians evacuated. It was currently holding steady at 574, 655. The second indicated the estimated time left for the enemy ships to arrive. It was showing 412 minutes and 32 seconds.

There was a part of Reemon Erra that wanted to be glad about those numbers. Going by the most conservative estimate, even if 100 more ships were able to make it out of the system before their time was up, that would take the total tally of rescued civilians up over 600,000. That was more than the initial projections. Unfortunately, it still meant that they would be forced to abandon over six million living souls. The old Amarthian felt his blood running cold, every time his mind wandered to these dark inevitabilities.

Activating his communicator, Erra spoke in an unintentionally hurried tone, "Commander Tekkar, please respond."

"Tekkar here, Commodore," Erra heard the familiar voice answer back almost immediately.

"What's the status?"

"The Erra Grid is up and running."

"Can we please not call it that," Erra replied irritatedly.

"Apologies, Commodore. But when they heard it was your idea, the decision to give it that name was unanimous."

"And what happens if the grid fails?" Erra asked the question that had been gnawing at him.

He observed the Commander hesitate momentarily before replying, "Even so Commodor, this time the enemy will be forced to attack. And every time they open fire, it will provide us with an opportunity to counterattack from our defensive positions."

"Well Tekkar, I truly admire your optimism, especially after you've already faced the enemy once before. However, let me remind you how little time it took them to defeat us, during our last engagement. You may think we've seen everything that they have in their arsenal. But for all we know, they might have a lot more surprises in store. They're just waiting for the right opportunity to reveal them."

"Yes, Commodore, I understand," Tekkar faltered, contrite.

For a few moments Erra gazed proudly at his protege before changing the subject with a question, "Any news of the Helmeshi fleet?"

"Admiral Damook Attupe is on his way. But I have yet to be given an estimated time of his arrival. I think the Admiral is still trying to get more ships."

"Let's hope with however many ships he can get, Damook will be here before our 'guests' arrive," Erra muttered, as much to himself as Tekkar.

He was about to enquire about something else when Tekkar suddenly asked, "When are you leaving, Commodore? You are needed at the War Council."

Erra's expression turned bitter. It was one of the last things that he wanted to discuss. However, unlike all those who had tried to talk to him about it and failed, Erra knew that he couldn't escape answering Tekkar.

"I will leave with the last evacuation fleet," Erra spoke slowly with cold resolution, the inescapable touch of exasperation creeping into his voice.

"Commodore, the War Council will not allow that. We received an urgent communique this morning asking for your immediate return," Tekkar pointed out.

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