Commodore Reemon Erra stood watching as the shuttle carrying 1st Admiral Herrek'Nole slowly made its way back to the Helmeshi ship.
"Please do not take this as an insult, my friend, but you would have made one hell of a politician." Erra heard a voice speak from behind him.
Turning around, he saw the hologram of General Naaroke Barmin appear in front of him. The pale green skinned Amarthian was looking back at Erra, clearly amused.
"I assume, you approve?" Erra asked with self-assured calmness.
"How can I not?" the General laughed. "I take it back, Reemon. I still maintain that trusting the highest ranking Helmeshi commander with such a sensitive matter was a risky strategy. But then I never expected you to play it so exceptionally well."
"Not one of my proudest moments," Erra said in a somber voice, "By accepting my help, Nole has knowingly become an accomplice in this sordid affair."
"There was no way Nole could have turned down an offer to have 100 of those Xacreth ships fighting in the Boran Expanse. He desperately needs them to bolster the southern defences." The General informed the Commodore. "Over the last few engagements the Kaya have focused most of their sustained attacks in that region of the Expanse. If the enemy breaks through, it will leave the still populated Therra System, less than then 70 Centrons away, entirely defenseless. There is a population of 3 billion Helmeshi."
"Naaroke if you really believe that in order to sway Nole, I will hold the lives of innocent people hostage-"
"Rest assured old friend, that thought never crossed my mind." General Barmin rushed to mollify Erra. "But I will wager those very lives compelled you to act the way you did. We both know, Alamiin would never have willingly allowed those ships to join the fight, even if you had begged them!"
Quietly contemplating the right words to express himself, Erra replied, "I had no choice. You, of all people, should know, Naaroke, the frequency and intensity of the Kaya attacks are increasing. At this rate, holding the Expanse for even one more quarter will soon become untenable. Time is not on our side."
"You don't have to convince me, Reemon," General Barmin suddenly sounded exhausted, "But Nole was right. The moment news reaches Alamiin that the Xacreths have unilaterally joined the war with those ships and that too under the command of a Helmeshi, they'll know Commodore Reemon Erra is still alive. More importantly, they'll know that he's no longer a loyal sentinel of the empire!"
This time, Erra didn't answer, but the General kept talking, "And then when the lead commander defending the Boran Expanse asks for the Mashaho Treaty to be revoked, our own lords and masters will conclude that the Helmeshi are backing you in your bid for power. Sending the Xacreths to fight alongside them was the price they demanded to betray and break their alliance with Alamiin. Because everyone knows, for reasons unbeknownst to the whole of Hermesh, the Xacreths only listen to one being without question."
"In the greater scheme of things, my position is the least of my concerns." Erra was dismissive.
"And yet, everyone in Alamiin, threatened by your actions today, will jump to the conclusion that this is not an isolated act of insubordination. They will not believe your humble claim that it is simply driven by the need to save billions of lives, but instead, see it as the declaration of war." General Barmin boldly narrated his predictions.
"If they really think that I will wilfully start a civil war at a time like this, then they are deluded." Erra thundered, "Only a fool will make a play for power at a time like this!"
The General opened his mouth to answer, but stopped, evidently distracted by something happening on his side. Motioning his hand to suspend the conversation, General Barmin disappeared momentarily. When he reappeared, the old Amarthian's pale green skin looked a bit paler to Erra. Then he saw it. The General was holding a data plate in his hand, his expression bitter.
ONE: Epilogue of Hermesh
Bilim KurguHow do you defeat an enemy you cannot reason with, you cannot hide from, you cannot escape, you cannot kill? For they are not truly alive. *They are coming. They keep coming. They keep coming.* (No they are not zombies. They were never truly alive...