Back off Husky

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Steele is walking on the track, adorn by the crowd. He is then followed by his"teammates," Nikki, Kaltag, and Star. ": Congratulations, dere, boss. It was a pleasure runnin' behind you're... But, of course...the view got monotonous." Nikki says, smiling. "You are the most amazing, the most exalting, the most preeminent, the most top-drawn, you're-" kaltag says but gets cut off by Star. "You won! Hahahaha!" the Chinook dog rolls his eyes at the smaller one and knocks Star on the head. Steele then sees his musher having a small conversation with the photographer. He isn't too happy with how Steele performed today. " Hmm...I don't know. You think maybe...Steele's losing his edge?" he says, and the photographer shrugs. "Yeah, it looks like just about any dog can outrun him," Steele growls at them and snaps his head at Rosie and Balto.

"Balto! What a crazy thing to do! To show off to a pretty girl..." Rosie calls, and Balto looks at Jenna, and Jenna has to turn away. "..I'm sure Jenna would love to have you on our team –" the young girl gets interrupted by her father, who runs up to her. "Hey, hey, hey, Rosie, stay away from him" he then kicks snow at Balto. "Dad!" Rosie yells, but her father pays her no mind. "He might bite ya, honey; he's part wolf..." he says, and Balto shies away and sadly slumps off. The eyes in the shadows watch this and grow sympathy for the young wolf dog. Poor Balto. I hope he'll try to manage. She thinks.

"Oh, now you've hurt his feelings!" Rosie exclaims as her father drags her away "come on now," he says. When they're gone, Steele snickers as Balto walks away. The husky then starts to make his way toward Jenna. Suddenly Dixie comes running to him "congratulations and felicitation, Steele!" She smiles dermal at the husky, who sighs and says, "ladies" ye then walks over to her as the Pomeranian falls over, "hi there, Jenna. Enjoyed the race?" He asks to smirk.

Jenna rolls her eyes and says, dismissing, "yeah, almost as much as you did," away from the,m Balto turns around and watches them for a short while. Then, in the shadows beside him, two fiery blue eyes appear. They look at him fondly, but it's impossible to see love or not. "Thanks, Jenna; let's go celebrate. I o ow where all the bones are buried," Steele growls playfully, and Jenna once more rolls her eyes. Finally, the shadow's eyes tear away from Balto to the two, and she snickers.

"Ugh, I don't know, Steele. Suddenly I've lost my appetite," she says and walks away. "Oooh...well, maybe your taste runs more toward...wolf," Steele growls and smirks as he sees Jenna being hurt by his words. or more offended. Ghost too gets offended and growls, attracting altos attention. "who are you?" he asks as he sees the eyes. They suddenly are back at him. "you'll see soon," they whisper and are gone.

in an ally, Balto has snuck off to walk, unaware of the eyes that followed him. "Balto...there are some things I can't do for you. I'm a goose, not Cupid." Boris says and pats his half-wolf friend on the head. Suddenly Steele's voice sounds behind them "Didn't make the team...Bingo?" Balto grows angry, but teh goose tells him to calm down " Don't listen to him. Don't look at him. Live a long life..." but Balto dostn have it and spurs around growling the husky in the face, " My name's Balto!" steel rolls his eyes and says "Oh, I'm sorry. Balto. Balto the Half-Breed" he brushes sides with the wolf-dog, and suddenly a cold air seeps through the valley taking their attention. "what was that?" Kaltag says as he and the others come up behind Steele. Star shrugs, and so does Steele and couture to walk with Balto nuding him, so he falls on a silver-serving platter. A sudden white shape jumps out, landing in front of Balto, growling and snarling. 

Boris gasps, and Steele and his "teammates" freeze. In front of them stands a giant white wolf with fiery blue eyes. Ghost. She snarls and snaps, lashing her tail behind her like a fluffy sword. "stay away, Husky," she growls, and Steele back off. "w-who are you?" he asks, shivering as the wolf stands to her full height helping Balto as she turns. "my name is no concern of yours, but you can call me whatever those humans call me. Ghost. Now leave before I personly neat you," she hisses, and Steele and his friends understand that it's best to listen to the wolf and flees. Balto is now on his feet again, staring at the white wolf. "who are you?" he asks as the wolf starts to go away. She stops glancing over at him, over her shoulder "my name I said. the rest you must find out for yourself, wolf friend," she says, and they are gone with the wind. Balto stars at the spot where she was until Boris calls him, "Come now, let's go home." 

Balto and the goose does just that. Steele and his lackeys stop panting in the town. "what was that?!" Nikki shouts as he flops to the ground with a showy shud. "that... was a wolf," Kaltag breathes as he starts to calm down. Steele, on the other hand, is still scared and paralyzed. Never before had he seen a wolf. Or not a pure one, at least. She was so big and beautiful that it almost made him forget Jenna. He almost shook his head and straightened his back. "let's go home, boys," he said monastically and walked away, his gang following him. In the outskirts of nome, the wolf wanders, slipping into shadows of snow dunes and the sun again. she soon finds herself a spot to sleep and curls IP smiling. I helped the young dog. That was something I didn't think would, but I did. I'm glad I did, she thinks and wanders off to sleep. 


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