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You adjusted your backpack as you walked to school. You had taken lots of hard classes this year and your teachers had assigned an unholy amount of homework. All the homework along with a few textbooks and other binders really hurt your shoulders. You sighed in annoyance as the path ahead of you was blocked by Jotaro Kujo and his cult of fangirls. 

Why are they so obsessed with him, sure he's tall and pretty attractive but geez, doesn't really give them the right to invade his privacy like that.

You continued walking around and ahead of the group, and met your two friends by the front gate of the school. 

"Hey Anna, hey Marcus," You said to both of them as you all started walking inside. 

"Hey," both of them replied in return. The three of you looked behind you as you heard Jotaro's fangirls arguing amongst themselves about him. 

"Jotaro sign my forehead! Jotaro just look over here please?" Marcus said in a high-pitched voice, making fun of the group. You and Anna laughed. 

"I wonder if they realize crowding around him and being annoying won't help their chances of him liking them," your friend Anna stated. You nodded in agreement, 

"I mean I almost feel bad for him sometimes, poor guy can't get any break from those high-pitched voices," you said as your group turned down a hallway, heading to your locker. 

"I feel bad for you (y/n), you can't catch a break either since you share over half your classes with the guy," Marcus said as turned the lock for your locker. You only replied with an 'Mmhmm'. The three of you talked for a moment about your plans for the week before you were once again interrupted by Jotaro's fangirls. You rolled your eyes and moved further down the hall, since Jotaro's locker was right next to yours, and you would probably get shoved by him or one of the girls. You decided to head to class and you said goodbye to your friends and looked down at your phone to answer a text. You started walking while texting, and then suddenly you bumped into someone. You looked up to see Jotaro, who towered over you and seemed like a giant due to the height difference between the two of you.

"Oh, s-sorry!" you said quickly before scurrying off, and before anyone could see the blush on your cheeks from embarrassment. You were honestly surprised Jotaro didn't get upset at you or anything. He didn't even mutter a 'bitch' under his breath, which he was known for calling most women he met. You shook off the encounter and headed to class, now worried about the quiz you hardly had time to study for over the weekend. You tried your best in class not to fall asleep and you exhaled in relief as your first period ended and you headed to your second, which Marcus and lucky for your Jotaro as well (sarcasm). You were honestly still embarrassed you had somehow managed to run straight into Jotaro, I mean it seemed almost impossible since he had a force field of women surrounding him at all times. You walked into your math class and sat next to Marcus, who already had his notes out. You sighed grabbing yours out and prepared for another boring class period. By the middle of class, you and Marcus had been passing notes for a few minutes. You wrote your reply to Marcus (you guys were talking about the hall incident) and you held it out for him, but unfortunately, your teacher happened to look up at that moment and looked directly at you and the note in your hand. Your math teacher, Ms. Bates had strict rules about phones, talking, and notes. 

"Miss Kakyoin, please move to the back of the class, next to Mr. Kujo," she said, sounding annoyed and disappointed with my behavior. Most of the class was watching me and my cheeks reddened with embarrassment as I grabbed my bag to move to the back. Marcus gave me an apologetic look and mouthed the word 'sorry' to me. I only nodded and sat next to Jotaro. 

Could this day get any more embarrassing? Why of all people I could've sat next to why did it have to be Jotaro?

You sighed and worked on your math assignment, pretending that Jotaro wasn't there. around 20 minutes later the bell rang and you quickly grabbed your bag and started to walk out when something stopped you. A large hand was holding your arm, and you looked over to see Jotaro. He held out a pencil, your pencil. 

"You were about to leave this," he said in his deep voice while looking away from you. You were startled first of all by his voice, it seemed much deeper when he was closer, and secondly that he was handing you your pencil. He was actually doing something nice? You stood there for a moment, hesitating when he said

"Are you gonna take it?" he asked annoyed, adding, "yare yare daze," to the end of his sentence. You nodded and quickly took the pencil from his hand, his fingers brushing yours. 

"Thanks," you said quietly and walked as fast as you could over to Marcus, who was waiting by the door. You both walked out and Marcus looked behind his shoulder at Jotaro. 

"What was that about?" he asked, confused why Jotaro would be nice to his friend, who had run into him earlier. You shook your head.

"I have no idea just keep walking," I blurted out and continued my speedwalking until I thought we were away from Jotaro's earshot. 

"Is he mad about earlier or something?" Marcus asked. You shrugged and said, 

"I have no idea, I'm just as confused as you are. I really hope he's not mad, but that was nice of him I guess?" you replied quickly. Marcus and you talked about it for another moment before separating and you headed to your next class, which Jotaro also happened to be in. 

I guess this day could get worse.

You walked into your science class and sat down, your friend Anna was there already and you sat down next to her.  You both talked again about your plans for the week and the weekend before Jotaro walked in, and sat down right behind you. You both paused your conversation for a moment, as it was odd that Jotaro was sitting right there. He usually sat in the very back of the class, but you ignored him and continued talking until the bell. Your teacher began to pass back a test that the class took last week. You sighed as the teacher set yours down on the desk. You got a C+. It wasn't the worst grade, but you needed better if you wanted to get an A in the class. You looked over at Anna and showed her. She frowned apologetically before showing me hers. She got an A-. I smiled, happy for her. Anna was great in any science class, and you were a little jealous of that because it was a harder subject for you, but you were happy if she was happy. You heard Jotaro sigh behind you, and you wondered if he had also gotten a bad score. The thought crossed your mind to look behind or ask him, but you knew if you did you would be a target for every girl in his cult following. The rest of the day went by smoothly, and you walked home with Anna, you both decided you would all hang out at your house this weekend. As you walked inside your older brother had just gotten home a few minutes earlier. 

"Hey," I said while slipping off my shoes before heading inside. He replied with a 'hey' as well but you could tell he was distracted by something on his phone. You didn't bother asking and you went upstairs to work on homework. After an hour or two, you had finished your homework for the day, and you were reading a manga when you heard your mom call you and your brothers name. 

"(Y/N)! Kakyoin! Come down for dinner!". You came out of your room and heard your brother following you. It was comforting to finally have your older brother back. A few months ago he left for a long time and you honestly still weren't exactly sure why, but he came back a little different and with scars on both eyes. You asked what happened to his eyes and he just said he got in a car accident, which you had a hard time believing since they were so symmetrical. You assumed though that if he was lying, he had good reason. When he was gone your parents informed you it was some trip for a school project. You weren't sure what else he could have been doing. Your thoughts changed as you sat down at the table and you waited for the rest of your family members. You noticed another place setting and wondered who it was for. Your mother walked in, and Kakyoin followed, but he had someone with him. 

I must be cursed

You internally groaned as you saw Jotaro Kujo standing behind your brother. 

I hope this isn't too cliche or cringe for y'all this is the second story I've written that I'm planning on making a little longer so bear with me. tysm if you're reading this story. I'll try to have updates ASAP.

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