awkward encounters

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You helped your mom with dinner when she got home and you set the plates. Your mom happened to notice that there were two cups in the sink and said, 

"Oh did you have a friend over? unless Noriaki came home early." I looked over at the sink and realized that's why she was asking. 

"Oh yeah, they just came in for a second and waited for the rain to stop," You said, hoping she wouldn't ask who it was that was at your house. She opened her mouth and it seemed like she was about to ask, but you were saved by Noriaki walking in and asking what was for dinner. Thanks, Nori.

Halfway through dinner, you realized your runny nose wasn't going away, and that you had probably caught a cold from being in the rain. You sighed in annoyance, but you were also a little glad because that meant you didn't have to face Jotaro at school tomorrow. You helped clean up dinner and mentioned to your mom that you were getting a cold and that you should probably stay home from school tomorrow. She hesitantly agreed. Mom was the type of parent that didn't want you ever to miss a day of school, so you considered yourself lucky that she had agreed. While laying in bed you were bored and decided to call Anna and tell her what happened. You dialed her number and waited, and when she picked up you informed her that you wouldn't be at school tomorrow and went on with the whole story. 

"Wait so Nori didn't even ask him to do that? He just did it? I find that hard to believe I mean he's a total jerk," Anna said bluntly. 

"That's what I'm saying! it doesn't make any sense like I've never even talked to him before!" I said, glad that she understood how odd it was. 

"well maybe he is a nice guy, just with super bad manners," Anna said and laughed, "I might be able to see that". I laughed with her. 

"Maybe it's because I let him use my pen?" I asked, "I don't know, on the off chance he's not a douchebag I'm gonna try and just be nice and polite to him," you said, remembering the times your mother had lectured you about being nice to people. You and Anna talked about it for a few more minutes, but then you got tired and decided to get some sleep. 

You woke up the next morning around 12. You sighed, feeling much better than last night, and checked your phone. You had a text from the same number that wasn't on your saved contacts. Jotaro. He had texted you a few minutes ago, asking where you were. You realized that you would be in science class right now and wondered why he cared. You saved his contact in your phone but didn't reply. You weren't sure how to. It was hard to tell the tone of a text, and with Jotaro's texts, it was even harder. You spent a total of 15 minutes thinking about it before sending a text that said, 

"I caught a cold yesterday, so I stayed home". You threw your phone on your bed and went downstairs to make some breakfast, or technically lunch. You threw together a sandwich and took it upstairs and looked at your phone again. Jotaro hadn't replied to your text and you shrugged it off, assuming he needed something like a pencil or the answers to something. You sent a text to Anna, asking if she could get your homework for the day and bring it to you. She said she could, and we could use that as an excuse to hang out for a little bit. I smiled at the thought and got partially ready for the day, however, I stayed in my pajamas. 

I spend the afternoon practicing the guitar and looking at my phone, which wasn't the best way you could spend it, but you were tired. After school ended I waited in the living room for Anna and heard a knock at the door. I went over to open the door and I immediately closed it again.

What the hell is Jotaro doing here? AGAIN?

You opened the door again, sheepishly.

"Sorry, come in," You said, opening the door wide enough for him to come in and stepping to the side. You noticed he was holding a folder, and he handed it to you. 

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