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"JOTARO TOTALLY LIKES YOU! WHY ELSE WOULD HE DO THAT?" Anna yelled at you in the hallway at school. You slapped a hand over her mouth and looked around, making sure nobody would hear her. 

"SHHH! One of his crazy fangirls is going to hear you and come after us," I whispered in a hushed tone, looking around to see if anyone heard. 

"ok, but am I wrong?" she said giving me a look. 

"I don't know!" I proclaimed, becoming flustered and embarrassed thinking about the interaction. She looked at me for a moment and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh my gosh you totally like him too," she said as a grin spread across her face. My face became even redder as I yelled at her,

"You're crazy! He's a jerk, and there's no way his fangirls would ever let me get close to him," I stated clearly.

"Well you're not exactly wrong... but if we want to get technical you guys were pretty close earlier and they couldn't do anything about it then," she chuckled as she spoke. I only rolled my eyes and shook my head at her.


Later that day in science class Jotaro once again sat right behind me, and unfortunately, Marcus wasn't there so he took that as an invitation to move to my side. I got out my stuff as class began and our teacher explained that for today's activity we would need to find a partner. I looked around trying to avoid eye contact with Jotaro, but then I felt bad. Nobody would volunteer to work with Jotaro except me and I knew it.

I turned to him suddenly and our eyes locked.

"Do you want to-" we both spoke at the same time and we both paused. I blushed and he nodded in reply.

"Ok, thanks," I said turning back to face the front, and he adjusted his hat so it would cover more of his face.

As the class went on and I worked with Jotaro I realized he was actually really good at science, especially when it came to sea life, in fact, Jotaro knew more than you. Which surprised you because for the most part of your life you had an obsession with becoming a marine biologist, and Jotaro just didn't seem like the type to actually care about learning. 

Maybe he's not as bad as everyone thinks he is


During lunch, Jotaro had texted me and told me to meet him near the front gates of the school when it was over, so we could go to his house and work on the project. I said I could do that but I was slightly annoyed at his demanding request. Maybe I wanted to go to my house. 

You walked out of the school and saw him standing there by the gates, however, he was a bit further than you had expected, probably avoiding his fan girls. You walked over to him, and the two of you started walking in silence. 

As you made it to his house he opened the front door for you, and let you step in first, then followed you inside. You could hear his mother in the kitchen as she yelled, 

"Welcome home Jotaro!". He didn't say anything in return and began walking away, leaving (y/n) to follow him around. The two of you made your way into the library, and he sat down on the couch in front of a coffee table that looked expensive.

You decided to sit in an armchair next to the couch and you were about to set down your bag when Jotaro said, 

"What are you sitting over there for, come over here," he said, looking at you and then the couch. You picked up your bag and sat on the couch next to him, and the two of you began working after you had an argument over Dolphins or Stingrays. 

After about an hour or two of working you sighed and leaned back on the couch, your hands tired from writing. 

"Writing this much makes my hands hurt," you proclaimed while putting your arms back to stretch. Jotaro turned to look at you, his hat surprisingly not covering his eyes. He held out his hand and said, 

"Give me your hand,". You looked at him, then his hand, and then him again before hesitantly placing one hand in his. He began to massage and target a muscle in your hand, making you realize it was tense. You looked at his face as he massaged your hand, and a blush spread across your cheeks, causing you to look away back at your hand.

He stopped and gestured to your other hand which you gave him, and he did the same thing. 

"T-thanks, that actually helped a lot," you managed to reply. He only nodded in reply. 

A bit later you checked your phone and your realized how much time had passed. You started packing up your stuff and Jotaro looked over at you. You noticed him looking at you and you turned to face him saying, 

"It's getting late, and I kinda forgot to tell my mom that I was coming here,". He nodded and put away his stuff as well. 

"I'll walk you home," he said while standing up. You put your back pack on your back and followed him out of the house. 

The two of you walked again in silence, with you slightly behind Jotaro. You looked up at him from behind, so he couldn't see you, but you could see part of his face. He always looked to consentrated and concerned, but right now there was a gentleness about him that you noticed. You picked up your pace with him so the two of you could be side by side. 

The two of you once again passed the dark alley that you had passed the other day, and you recognized the men standing there, and they seemed to recognize you as well. 

"Hey back for a visit sweetheart?'" a man yelled to her as she made the mistake of looking down the dark passage. Jotaro stopped where he was and turned to look at the men. There had to be 6 or 7 of them, what was he planning on doing?

"What makes you think you're allowed to speak to her like that?" Jotaro yelled, his gentle temperament now turned into one of downright anger. 

"Her checking it out down here was invitation enough!" another man yelled back, only incensing Jotaro more. Jotaro took a step into the alley, but you grabbed his arm before he could go any further, afraid he would get himself hurt as there were 7 men against him. You gave him a pleading look as he looked down at you. 

His gaze softened as he looked at you, but he quickly turned his head back and yelled, 

"If one of you ever thinks about yelling at her and bothering her again I will fucking end you," then turned around putting his arm around (Y/N) as a way to gently pull her away. 

For the rest of the walk home, Jotaro didn't take his arm off of you, and when you reached your doorstep he looked at you before saying, 

"I'm sorry about that, it just- pissed me off," while tipping his hat down. You gave him a soft smile, knowing his intentions were pure,

"It's ok." 


Eat up children


I'm literally in love with writing this story but I keep getting writer's block and forgetting I have free will and the ability to make time to write so I'm sorry for the late updates. 


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