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The next couple of days were mostly uneventful, life seemed normal again, except for the few whispers about you from the Jotaro Fanclub. You were luckily able to easily ignore them. You hadn't seen Jotaro in a few days and you actually began to wonder where he was. You decided to ask Noriaki about it, so you sent him a text saying, 

"Hey, odd question but is Jotaro sick or something?" You kind of regretted sending it but you were curious. Your brother replied almost instantly, 

"Yeah, he said he caught a cold or something. I was actually gonna ask you later if you could run some of his homework over to his house. I have a study session after school I can't miss". You rolled your eyes while typing, 

"Yeah, sure what's his address". Noriaki sent you the address and said he could give you the homework when school was over. The day passed much slower than you would've liked it too. After your classes, you went to find Noriaki. 

"You really need to cut that piece of hair Nori," I said jokingly to him as I took Jotaro's homework from him. He grabbed his hair almost defensively and said,

"No I don't, it looks stylish, and it makes me look hot". I laughed,

"Oh you must have girls going crazy over you just like Jotaro, no wonder you guys are friends," I replied and began to walk away. Noriaki just scoffed at me. You walked with Anna until you got to her house, as it was on the way to Jotaro's house. You checked the address one more time and continued walking. You wondered what his house would look like since you had heard his family had a lot of money. When you arrived at the house you began to feel nervous about giving Jotaro this, and the fact that his house was gigantic only made you feel more anxious. You cautiously knocked on the door and waited. When it opened you expected to see a large man, but instead, you saw a small blond woman. 

"O-oh Hi! I'm just dropping off Jotaro's homework from the days he missed," I said while holding out the homework. The woman smiled and said, 

"Oh, how nice of you! Come inside for a minute! I'll get Jotaro". She walked away before you could protest so you stepped inside and closed the door. She walked back in and said,

"He'll be here in a second, I'll make you some tea". You wanted to tell her that she didn't need to but Jotaro walked in before you could. You turned to him and held out the work, but you didn't look at him as you felt embarrassed. 

"Here's your homework from the days you missed," you said, hoping you weren't annoying him. 

"Wheres Noriaki?" he asked as he stepped forward to take the work. His fingers brushed yours as he took the package from you, even though it was easy to avoid your fingers when taking it. 

"He had to stay at the school to study today, so he asked me to," I explained. Jotaro just replied with a hmm sound and I was about to excuse myself when the blond woman walked back in.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier! I'm Holly, Jotaro's mother," she said politely. There was no way this woman could be Jotaro's mother. She was so polite and nice, how did Jotaro turn out the way he is? 

"It's nice meeting you, I'm (y/n) Kakyoin," You replied, wondering if she would know your older brother. 

"Ok Noriaki's younger sister, how nice! well come in, take your shoes off," she said while showing you into the other room. You wanted to leave as it was awkward being around Jotaro, but his mom was so pleasant to be around, and you would feel bad leaving after she had insisted you come in. You left your shoes and your bag at the door and followed Holly into a living room. You sat down at a chair and Jotaro followed, standing by the doorway. Holly gave you a cup of tea and thanked you again for bringing his homework, and then proceeded to talk your ear off for who knows how long. She got onto the subject of her son and asked, 

"I'm just so glad one of Jotaro's friends came over! For a minute I thought he didn't have any!" You could see Jotaro stiffen out of the corner of your eye. He let out a 'tch' sound in response, and you laughed a bit. you wouldn't fill her in that you and Jotaro weren't really friends. As it got later in the day she invited you to stay for dinner but you politely declined, you knew your mom would wonder where you were and Noriaki would definitely think it was odd that you had spent so much time at Jotaro's house. Jotaro walked you to the door and you quickly put your shoes on and grabbed your bag. You were about to close the door behind you, but a hand grabbed it and opened it. Jotaro stepped outside with you. You looked at him with a questioning look.

"It's getting dark, let's go," Jotaro said as he walked down the front stairs. You followed him, realizing he was walking you home. Your house was aways from his house and you felt bad that he had to walk in the dark.

"Jotaro I'm fine I can walk alon-" He cut you off. he did that a lot. 

"No," he said bluntly. You didn't say anything else and put your head down as you walked. Jotaro walked slightly ahead of you and you stayed back a little, scared to get too close to him. About halfway through your walk, the sun had set entirely. You passed multiple dark alleyways and you noticed a group of people smoking cigarettes or something as you walked by. You turned your head for a moment, as you didn't expect to see a group of 4 or 5 guys huddled in an alleyway. You passed the alley but heard a whistle. A catcall to be exact. You looked up and Jotaro had stopped in his tracks his fists balled at his sides. You caught up to him and he continued walking. He now stood much closer to you, and you noticed he seemed frustrated. You assumed it was probably because he had to walk so far just to take you home. 

When you reached your house he stopped in front and you paused. 

"I'm sorry you had to walk all this way, thank you," you said, feeling like you had wasted his time. 

"Don't apologize. It's annoying," he said in a harsh tone. You didn't know how to reply and he just walked away. He was about 3 meters away when you yelled, 

"Bye!". He didn't respond or look back, and you headed inside. Your family had already eaten, but they were still in the kitchen, which confused you as your family usually went to bed fairly early. You walked in and noticed your mother was holding a baby and your father was standing there with her. You stood in the entryway of the kitchen, confused. Your mother looked  up at you and said, 

"Guess who we get to babysit for the next two weeks!"

Idk how you take care of children so uh might need to do some research on how to babysit young children

thanks for reading <3

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