rainy days

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What in the hell is Jotaro doing in your house? What was he doing hanging out with Noriaki? And why is he eating dinner with your family? You kept a cool and calm demeanor but you couldn't help being annoyed by an unexpected visitor. Why did you keep running into him? Noriaki sat down next to you and Jotaro on the other side of Nori. You looked over at Noriaki and asked,

"When did he come over? I didn't hear him walk in."

"Oh he was here before you got home, he was just in another room," he replied. You only nodded, you saw how you could have missed him now. You wanted to ask how and why they were friends now but you assumed that would be rude. Jotaro let out a scoff at your question and you gave him a quick dirty look before your father sat down, and you all began eating. 

Your mother tried conversing with him, but he only replied with 'hmm's and 'mmhmm's which made it hard, so your mother asked your brother about him instead. Apparently, Jotaro had also gone on that trip with Noriaki and they had become friends then, which made sense now because Jotaro was also gone for an extended period of time. You kept mostly quiet unless you were asked a question. You were afraid of embarrassing yourself once again and didn't want to risk it. Jotaro and Noriaki both finished faster than the rest of us and excused themselves. After you finished you helped with the dishes, and you headed upstairs. Jotaro was leaving at the same time. When he got closer he said quietly but sternly, 

"Move it." You did as you were told but it still pissed you off. Who did he think he was talking to people like that? You let out an 'ugh' and rolled your eyes, hoping he would hear. He continued walking like he hadn't noticed, but you knew his hearing was better than that. You got to your room and closed your door, locking it. You were ready to get this day over with and hopefully next run into Jotaro ever again. You didn't like him at all. In your opinion, he was a selfish rude douchy prick. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and got ready for bed. The rest of the week went by smoothly, despite Jotaro still sitting right behind you in your science class. 

The weekend passed too quickly and the next thing you knew it was halfway through the next week. You were sitting in your science class before it started and Jotaro once again sat down behind you. You glanced up at him this time as he walked by, and you quickly looked away as you saw he was looking at you too. The bell rang and our teacher gave us a long lecture before assigning us a worksheet. You sighed and got started, but then heard your name being called. You realized it was Jotaro.

What now?

You turned your head, annoyed. 

"what," you said shortly assuming he was going to say something rude to you. 

"I need a pencil give me yours," he said looking at the pencil in my hand. I shook my head, 

"No way," and turned back around. 

"(y/n), now," he said more harshly and stern this time. I sighed and realized he either wasn't going to stop pestering me and embarrassing me, or he would just take it. I gave him a glare and grabbed a pen out of my backpack and practically slammed it on his desk. He didn't even mutter a thank you or a please to me. What. A. Jerk. 

At the end of class, you didn't even bother asking for your pen back or waiting for Anna, you walked quickly to your next class. By the end of your last period you had cooled down and you walked to your locker to grab some homework and drop books off. You noticed that your pen was taped to your locker, with a small note from a piece of ripper paper saying, "thank you". You didn't believe it. You took it off quickly and shoved it in your locker, not bothering to even put it in your backpack. On your way home you walked alone, and all you could think about was Jotaro. You couldn't decipher if he was a douchebag or an actually ok dude with severe social issues. You came to the conclusion that he was only nice to you due to his friendship with Noriaki. 

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