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"In the neighboring land of Teyvat human's we're at war with the daemos both slaughtering the opposing side. Archons arrived and joined the battle 6 skilled gods joined the battle there were one of the electro twins was there leading a frontal assault not telling her twin sister she was heading to battle heading to war with her katana she lead her troops to the battle sight. When her sister caught wind of the assault she quickly headed over to aid them but was too late. Arriving at the scene with a purple polearm that bear's the Electro symbol her sister was on the floor h/c colored hair sprawled on the floor her elegant white kimono stained with blood
All of a sudden as she held her sister a brief flash of light consumed her vision and she felt her self falling. "THUD" her vision was turning dark quickly not before she saw two male figures before succumbing to unconsciousness."

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