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A orb wanders through the forest of daemos the a spark of magic hits it and the soul drops to the ground. There we see a person pick it up but two people come out from behind the tree."Drop it!" one of them said 

" You heard the man now drop it this way." said the other.

 " It's mine i rightfully cornered him first!" the orange hair male said."

  You want to try me?" The white haired male said as he took out two scythes.

"Face me i'm delivering to his highness first!" the other male said. 

They now stand there none moving an inch until another male comes out from the shadows."Petty. The both of you truly doesn't matter who delivers it as long as it's me." Said the male with azure eyes.

And then the one holding the orb lets out a chuckle and throws the orb into the air before saying. "Catch". The emerald eyed male was caught off guard. "huh Whoa" the one with emerald eye's stumble's to catch it and succeed's.

"It's mine!" the orange eyed one declared as he engaged in battle to get the orb from the emerald eyed one.

"Freeze" said the one with azure eyes. Both male back up from the magic ball hurling at them the orange eyed one letting out scream.

The orb falls as the orange eyed male runs to pick up the orb. But was too slow as the male with aqua marine blue eye's hits him away from the orb. But then the orange eyed male was thrown at the aqua eyed male.But the aqua male quickly retrieves the orb as he stands.

 All of a sudden a ball a fire was thrown at the male but he sustained no injury now surrounded by a ring of fire he quickly looks at the direction it was thrown at and kneels. The rest of the males knelt down before the caster. "Your highness i can explain we had obtained the soul when it slipped from our grasp and-"  the azure eyed one tried to explained before he was interrupted by the aqua eyed male.

"We had a delay."  Said the aqua eyed male said."Well is it hot in here or is it just me~" a fine wine aged female appeared from behind the coal eyed male standing before them. "Lady grandma?" said the blue eyed male.

"ugh- not now grandmother"  The coal eyed male groaned exasperatedly before he was cut off by his grandmother."SILENCE. hmph! when i was queen of this land of Daemos i could have your tongue for speaking back at me! Lady grandma huffed.

"Why are you here" The emerald eyed male asked finding this situation a pain already. "That soul you boys obtained you need to take it unharmed to the altar now or we won't be able to use it."  Lady grandma commanded her voice turned stern and serious at the mention of the soul. As she said that the aqua eyed male placed the orb gently in a bag he carried.

"I mean the person we killed to get it was harmed that's ho- OW"  The orange eyed male was cut off for his insensitivity of those who have passed on by lady grandma as hit him in his face with her staff.

"DON'T SPEAK ILL OF THE DEAD"  She scolded the orange eyed male loudly. She then regained her composure and cleared her throat."Now follow me you'll be in the new world soon enough."  She then turns around and leads the way for the males to follow. They all have arrived in a place that resembles a library with an altar in the middle with a big symbol in the middle of the room. Lady grandma walks to a desks with potions brewing and multiple  paper's one including Teyvat's fall and a missing sibling of a dead god.

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