lil author's note/intro

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Hi, if you don't know me, I'm Jamie or sausage. I've been on wattpad since 2018 and never bothered to write for this fandom cuz I was only watchin the youtubers (watched the youtubers, didn't join the fandom until  2021)

Anyways! With my GCSEs almost over I thought..  why not? It's dead now, no one will read these??

Anyways, again oops, I wrote the first few on my phone with no Internet. I usually write on my laptop or in my notebook durin me English lessons because English fuckin sucks so.. they're shittier than normal ig

I'm British, plz don't correct me on slang or spellings, or do, I don't give a fuck

Anyways enjoy this shit I guess, I don't mind having more BBS friends if this is read

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