Blow Up The Pokies

37 1 2

11:40 pm

Tyler is that you who just came in?


Tyler threw his phone on the table and ran for the door, Evan in tow with the rest of the gang. He could hear his name being shouted as he opened his car door, but he couldn't care. He didn't care. He started up the car, noticing the others getting in their own and chasing him. Tyler sped through the roads, adrenaline coursing through him as he reered the car. The cops would surely be well on their way, but he couldn't, didn't, nor want to care about them, his friends would deal with them.

The only thing on Tyler's mind was his dad. His dad, the only person left in his family who cared for him. His dad, the only reason Tyler is even alive in this very moment.

Not daring to close his car door, Tyler ran to his father's house. The door was left wide open and Tyler reeled. He ran in, grabbing a crowbar from the secret cupboard only he and his dad knew about.

He didn't take slow steps. He took fast ones. His trainers hitting hard against the wood floor as he made his way up the steps.

It was eerily silent, and he could hear his friends' voices, calling for him and hushing at each other.

"Dad?!" Tyler shouted, fearing for the worst as he stepped in the room.

His fears came true.

An old body lay limp on the ground, battered, bruised and bloody. And the man at fault stood happily atop, a scowl on his face as he stared at Tyler.

"You fucking bitch!" Tyler lunged.

The unknown man stared in shock as Tyler lunged at him, sending him off of Mr. Wine and onto the floor where the two rolled around for quite some time. One. Two. Three. Punch. One. Two. Three. Punch. Tyler fell into a rhythm with the man before whacking him with the crowbar.

Blood now dribbled down the other's head but he still carried on. Tyler didn't dare stop when a click of a gun was heard. Tyler didn't dare stop when a stinging pain in his arm arose. Tyler didn't dare stop until this man was dead.

And dead he was. The others found him sat inbetween Mr. Wine and the unknown man. Evan ran to Tyler, whose chest was heaving and hands were bloody.

"C'mon, we'll get you to Brock, the others will take care of everything else" Evan muttered, helping Tyler up as they walked step by step to the car. Tyler insisted on driving, to which Evan protested.

"Wanna talk about it?" Evan asked quietly, the only other person in the car was David, and he was sound asleep.

"No." Tyler muttered as a fact, and Evan nodded quietly as he turned up the radio, music blasting loudly in the car. A distraction, and a small smile managed to plaster Tyler's face.

Oof not up to a great Start

I write wildcat.. a LOT im sorry he's my favourite

Idk wot this was i got bored listening to pop punk music from the early 200s

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