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Armes POV (short chapter)

One hour of shopping ... one fucking hour of shopping

We finally checked out and went back to the car

"Was all that shopping really necessary?" I say putting Lila back into her car seat while trying to keep her asleep

"If your dumbass wants to eat then yes, yes it was," Lorenzo says glaring at me

I get into the passenger seat and we start our way home

About 15 minutes into the drive Lila wakes up whining

Asking Lorenzo to pick her up but he's driving so...

"Bubba please" Lila begs Lorenzo

"We will be home in a little baby then I'll hold you," he says sighing

Lila continues to whimper

"I think she's getting sick," I say looking at Lorenzo

"Yeah she not usually this whinny," he says looking into the rearview mirror to see if Lila was asleep or if she had just quit down 

The rest of the ride home was sad

Baby girl non stopped cried asking for Lorenzo to hold her that's all she wanted

When we got home I told Lorenzo I would get the groceries with Atlas and Alex who agreed to help
                           Pov change
Lorenzo pov

When we got home I immediately went to get princess

I think she's coming down with something she's just never this clingy

"Bubba please" she begs as I unbuckle her car seat straps

I picked her up and she snuggled into my neck

I've been told she likes how I smell

I walk into the house and go to the kitchen to get the thermometer to check her temperatures

"Ok baby I'm going to sit you down and check your temperature then I'll pick you back up again" I explain to the crying 4-year-old who is only clinging to my shirt harder now

"No Bubba no" she protests as I try and sit her down

Eventually, I gave up and just accepted the fact that I would have to hold her for the rest of the day .... Which I didn't mind

I turned her around in my arms so I could put the thermometer in her mouth

When I pulled it out it read 102.5

She was sick

I wasn't aware that you could become sick in a couple of hours but I also didn't know how babies were made til the 8th grade so honestly doesn't surprise me

"How do you feel baby girl" I ask Lila as I bounce her in my arms to get her to calm down

"Not good Bubba," she says snuggling back into my neck

Lila has always called me Bubba since the moment she could talk

She doesn't call me by my name it's always been, Bubba

She calls all of her brothers by their real names but not once had she called me by mine

And I'm not complaining I love it

When we asked her why she doesn't use my real name she said it was hard to say

I mean Enzo isn't that hard to say but maybe it is for her not sure

When her breathing became even I knew she was sleeping

I walked upstairs and laid her and myself in my bed I didnt leave her because if she wakes up and sees I'm not there I don't know what will happen

And all the crying is Just going to make her feel worse so I'm trying to avoid that at all costs

About 5 minutes into me laying down with princess on my chest and scrolling through my phone I hear my door open and atlas , armes and Alex , all peek through the door

There were some Awwws and then armes had to ruin the moment

"It's gonna suck when she gets a boyfriend" he says making me glare at him

I don't mind her having a bf ..... after she's  16 so I still have  12 years of this

"Can we enjoy the moment for one fucking second before you say some dumb shit" I says rolling my eyes

"Naaa" he replies making me glare at him

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