no no word

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lilas pov:

i want answers

lorenzo put me in the car so we could go to the doctors

but i wanted to know where babies came from

its not fair that they know and they wont tell me so i decided to ask someone else

"atty where do babies come from" i ask him and all my brothers look at me with wide eyes

"umm why do you ask baby" he says laughing

this isnt funny

"cause bubba said he was a baby once and i wanted to know how  he got here" i say coughing

i always cover my mouth when i cough because bubba said to and whatever he says goes.... or ... something like that

back to the problem at hand

"mommas its not that serious you dont really need to know" armes says making me upset

"just tell me please i wont repeat anything i just wanna know" i say tears whelling up in my eyes

"Che cazzo le diciamo?" atlas says (the fuck do we tell her)

i know what cazzo means cause armes told me!

im not sure if atty knows its a no no word though

"atty you cant say that its a no no word" i tell him and bubba and atty looks at me confused

"cant say what cupcake" atty says

does he not know what he just said


"you cant say a no no word atty" i say rolling my eyes

"which no no word baby" bubba asks me

"i cant say it cause its a no no word and i dont want to get in trouble" i say playing with my fingers

"you wont get in trouble love" bubba says and then he tells me to tell him what the no no word was

"atty said cazzo thats a no no word" i say and he laughs

"your right baby girl its a no no word atlas dont say it again" bubba tells atty and starst laughing

"im sorry baby i wont say it again" atty tells me

"promise" i ask and he starts laughing

"no, i do not promise im sorry" he says laughing and tickling me

we were driving for some more time and i had a thought

"how do doctors become docters" i ask and bubba answers

"they go to school for it and when they graduate they can get a job as one" he says

"whats a job" i ask because ive never heard that word before

"its what people do to make money" bubba says how does he make money hes not a doctor...right?

"bubba your not a doctor right?!!" i ask confused

"correct neonata" (baby) bubba says

"how do you make money then" i ask

"oh shiiiiiiiit" armes says and bubba glares at him for using a no no word

"I have a job baby" he says

i wanted to know what his job was

"whats your job" i ask

"dille solo che non sa cosa sia comunque" ( just tell her she doesnt know what it means anyways) armes tells bubba im nt sure what that means though i only know a couple of words in italian and armes spoke to fast for me to understand

"i dont know if i want her to know though" bubba says smiling

"the fuck is she gonna do run away??" armes says but he said a no no word and i should let him know

"armes thats a no no word" i say and he looks back from the front seat

"im sorry babe ill stop saying no no words" he says and i smile

since bubba wont tell me his job ill see if armes has a a job maybe i can work with him

"armes do you have a job" i ask him

"i wouldnt call it a job its kinda like i go in and if i survive i get paid for it" he says smiling

"who gives you money" i ask

"lorenzo pays me" he says


this isnt making sense and its making my thoughts hurt

"where does bubba get the money" i ask

"he puts people who do bad things in a long long time out" armes says making bubba laugh

"how long is the time out" i ask because the longest time out ive ever been in waas eight minutes

it was my first and last

i barley made it out alive

"forever" armes says and i look at him in shock

forever that's like... more than 8 minutes .....right?

"pls dont put me in timeout forver bubba" i say forever sounds like a long time

"i wont baby i promise" he says smiling at me making me feel better

the rest of the ride we talked about how much bubba gets paid for putting people in timeout

if you wanted to know how much

its more than 10 dollars so



disclaimer i don't speak Italian i know a couple of words but i used google for some

also thank you for 1k reads

and pls excuse the spelling mistakes it will get edited soon <3

(836 words)

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