Wakey wakey

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Lila's POV (pls excuse my horrible baby talk)

I'm so energetic 

I think that's the word I'm not sure but Enzo says it when I act like this so

I got out of my bed with Mr mocha, he's a brown bear so the name makes sense

I walk over to my bedroom door and twist the handle until I hear a click

That means the door is open!!

I run out of my room into the dark hallways I have to be fast or da scary monsters will get me

I run to Enzo's room and stand on my tippy toes because I'm too short to reach the door handle

I finally grab the handle and pull down on it and the doors open like magic!

I walk into the room and I see Enzo sleeping on his back with his arm behind his head

I walk over to his bed and try my best to climb onto his bed falling a couple of times, I guess I woke Enzo up

"Hey Bambina," he says in a sweepy voice

"Bubba I want up," I say making grabby hands towards Him so he will pick me up

He picks me up and sits me on his chest

Doesn't he know I'm heavy he won't be able to breathe hehe

"What's the wrong cupcake," he says and I laugh at the silly name

I am not a cupcake

"I wanted to sweep in here with you Enzo," I say lying down on his chest

"Ok," he says and lays me down on his bed

I like sleeping in here because he has a grown-up bed and someday I will have one too they are so much bigger than the kid beds !!

I snuggle into Enzo and fall Asleep
~Pov change~
Lorenzo pov

I wake up to my baby girl snuggled up against me

Sadly I had to wake her up because we had some errands to run today

"Wake up baby girl," I say gently shaking her awake

"No Bubba," she said rolling back over and going back to sleep

There was no need to try to continue to wake her up so I just left her there and went to wake up my other siblings

I walk out into the hallways and go towards Alex's room

I go to open the door to find that it's locked...

Ok that's weird, the boys don't usually lock doors

I bang on the door in hopes of waking him up

After banging on the door about five times it flies open revealing a sleepy Alex

"What," he says groggily

"Why is your door locked," I ask

I respect their privacy but let's be honest when a teenage boy's door is locked it's only three things they could be doing... if you know what I mean

"I don't know I guess I locked it when I was doing stuff and forgot to unlock it," he says and I smile because there's no way he was doing homework because school is out soon

"Not what you think," he says laughing and walking away from the door

"Well anyway I came in here to wake you up we have errands to run," I say walking into his room

"Ok well I'm up now so," he says laying back on his bed

"Get ready I'm going to wake your other brothers up," I say walking out

I hear a faint "ok" as I walk out

Next boy


I walk towards his room and open the door

I walk over to him and shake him

"Wake up," I say shaking him hard

"I'm up, I'm up," he says pushing my hand away

"Get up, get ready," I say walking out to Armes's room

I open his door and see him awake on his phone

"Get up and get ready we have errands to run," I say walking into his room

"Ughh can I stay here and you guys go"
He says throwing his pillow over his face

"Fuck no get up," I say snatching the pillow off of him

He doesn't move

"Armes get your ass up and get ready I have to go fight your sister to get up already," I say walking out of his room.

" Vai a farti fottere" I hear him say into his pillow and I laugh (fuck you)

I walk into my room and see Lila rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning baby girl," I say softly to not startle her

"Good morning," she says yawning

I pick her up and she snuggles into my neck as I take her to the bathroom to get her ready

I sit her on the counter and undress her, after I start the bathtub and add bubbles I put her in and let her play for a little

I wash her and then I take her out and dress her

"OK baby girl see if any of your brothers are ready and tell them to take you downstairs and give you some breakfast," I say after she is dressed

"Ok Bubba," she said running out of my room

I turn around and go back into my bathroom to get myself ready

After I took my shower and got dressed I walked downstairs to see Lila running around with a Dorito and a Reese's cup

"Babygirl come here," I say reaching out for her when she comes near me and picking her up

"Who gave you that," I ask

"Bubba told me not to tell because he said you were an ass and you wouldn't let me eat it," she says with the most innocent voice ever

"Baby you don't say ass that's a no-no word ok," I say firmly

"Okay," she said eating her Dorito as I put her down I walked into the kitchen to see all my brothers there

"Who told Lila I was an ass and gave her a Dorito and Reese's," I say leaning against the counter

They all loom around like they're clueless

"I mean I could ground all of you, fine with me," I said reaching my hand out to grab their phones

"It was Armes," Alex says making me smile

"Fucking snitch," Armes says making me glare at him

"Don't teach your sister to curse and when I say feed her breakfast I don't mean candy and snacks" I say rolling my eyes

"She chose to tell you, you were an ass I didn't tell her to say that," he says laughing

"She told me that you said it, idiot," I say rolling my eyes

"Oh..." is all he says

This is going to be an eventful day!



HEY! Ok ✌️ bye

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