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Lorenzo's Pov

we started back home but Lila was getting cranky and not just an occasional cry cranky she was throwing tantrums cranky

"Bro Lila chill" I hear Armes say to Lila who has started crying even more and i start laughing hearing them fight with a toddler is honestly very funny

"Are you fucking laughing Lorenzo?" Alex says glaring at me making me laugh even more

i don't know what's wrong with me but this is fucking hilarious

"Are you drunk Lorenzo?" Armes asks and i look at him confused

"Yea that makes total fucking sense, i would get drunk and then drive, putting all of us at risk of dying, yep sounds like something i would do" i say being sarcastic which didn't really reassure them

yes, I drunk some wine but i didn't drink enough to get drunk or even tipsy...

"pull over lorenzo" armes tells me , im guessing its just so he can get lila right....'

i was wrong

three fucking flashlights were shinned in my eyes

"what is wrong with you" i ask rubbing my eyes

"i got a couple of questions lorenzo" Armes says being serious but just looking like a lawyer whose losing a case which as you can guess i laughed at

"whats your last name" alex says

"de'luca" i answer and they nod

"This is a serious one Lorenzo so stop laughing, how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" atlas ask mind you lila is still balling in the backseat.

"Wood chucks don't chuck wood, final answer it's a stupid question. That's like asking how many walls could a dog paint if a dog could paint walls, it's a dumbass question cause no one fucking cares." i respond turning the car back on

"i honestly can't fucking tell, Hes like being sarcastic and shit" armes says sitting back down

"Ok Lorenzo be serious like actually" atlas says and i rub my temples because they are giving me a headache

"ok" i say getting comfortable in my chair because i can tell were going to be here a while

"Why can't we just go home and then you can question me" i say

next thing i know im being pulled out of the car by atlas and Alex is getting into the driver's seat

"y'all are so fucking extra" i say and Alex starts driving home

"Says the drunk one who was driving" Armes says and i roll my eyes

we finally reach home i was hopping this interrogation was over but i was wrong

alex took lila to her room while i went to my room i sat down on my bed and closed my eyes to ease the headache

but my moment of peace was fucking disturbed by three fucking FBI agents barging into my room

"alright Lorenzo Montez DeLuca lets get to the bullshit" Armes says and i look at him confused

"the fuck are you using my whole name for" i ask and armes smiles a little

"that's how we do it in the legal system you obviously know nothing about legal things" he says the last part under his breath

i dont understand why it still matters were home now... but i dont understand alot of the things they do

"i have some question for you" he says and i nod "oh before we get into the questions id like you to meet detective atlas and detective Alex" he says introducing them

they arent even taking this shit serious..

alex puts out his hand for me to shake but instead i just look at it , im not touching his fucking hand.

"First question are you thirsty?" armes asks and i nod my head

"exrtreme dehydration is a sign of being intoxicated write that down atlas" armes says

"Can you get the fuck out of my room" i say closing my eyes

i honestly just want to sleep

"GET THE FUCK OUT" i yell and they make their way out of my room

and i evemtually take my shower get changed and and go to sleep
Just a filler chapter <3


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