~Chapter 1~

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"Here, I got the information you asked for." The room was silent.

"Truly Appreciated," a voice said, "now let's get to business. We have three days." He passed a photo of a girl on the table. "She is the key to our success, after we have her and her quirk wrapped around our finger then we can finally create our ideal society of equitable quirk use." The leader of the Meta Liberation Army.

A deep voice rung familiar to me, League of villains, Dabi. Ever since the League has teamed with the Liberation Army, in order to keep my cover I gave them old plans. I mean, plans change right?

"She's exactly relevant why? We can kick ass on our own." He rolled his eyes, roll those eyes maybe there's a brain, saying it isn't melted.

"Well I'm very much aware of that, but with this quirk we can have chances to reshape our future," what the hell did this guy mean exactly. "Her quirk allows her to have the ability to manipulate reality as we know it. It's called cosmic alteration."

I couldn't get that conversation out of my head, is that really a thing? I sat on a chair at the commission headquarters when I was called in.

"So im basically saying that we are going to put this girl in protective services." I shook my head, the commission's idea of 'protective services' was to place her on the UA campus. I didn't think that was a great idea but it's not my place to argue, after all they were orders, not a suggestion.

"Yes ma'am, whatever you say." I said.

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