Act III Scene iii

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The other 2 scenes in Act 3 will be posted after I go back and analyse them :-) Thanks :-)

- Emilia is drug into the removal of Cassio

- Cassio was only removed from the employment from Othello because it was politically necessary

- Cassio is afraid that Othello will forget about him

- Cassio wants his job back

- Desdemona is going to bother Othello about Cassio and his job until Othello gives Cassio his job back

- Cassio leaves because Othello has come in

- Desdemona is like "when, when, when"

- when Desdemona and Othello were courting Cassio was there...

- othello is like let him come whenever but Desdemona isn't satisfied

- now, she is like give Cassio his job back because I asked you to, not for any other reason 

- "omg I love my wife soooo much" -Othello

- iago didn't know that Desdemona and Cassio knew each other

- iago think that Cassio is honest

- the fact that they are even discussing Cassio's honesty means that there is a hint of doubt

- Iago is now saying that reputation isn't important

Act 3 Scene 3 line 167-169 "O beware, my lord, of jealousy:/ It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on." (Most important line of the whole Play) 

- the fear of loss is what eats away at a person

- Othello needs proof, he won't believe that Desdemona is unfaithful until he sees it.

- Iago tells Othello "don't be jealous but don't be too confident either"

- Desdemona can be deceitful because she did deceive her father

- Othello is now distraught and distracted

- according to Iago, Cassio is like Othello's best mate

- Othello thinks Desdemona's honest

- Iago never mentions Desdemona's name

- Iago, sends Emilia to spy on Desdemona

- Iago tells Othello, even though Cassio is good at his job, don't give it back to him for a while, and see if Desdemona says anything strongly about giving Cassio his job back, because if she does, take note because you can find a lot of stuff in that

————————————————————-LINE 260 ONWARDS———————————————

- Iago is trustworthy and is better at understanding and figuring out people's motifs she is bound to me like a wild hawk is bound by jesses, she is bound to me because I love her

- if Othello found out that Desdemona's cheating, he would let her go

- now he is describing her as a predatory bird

- Othello, would rather live in a dungeon than Desdemona cheating on him

and now, it's his duty to hate her if she's cheating, because that the only way he'll be able to deal with it

Line 270, you see a change in Othello's speech before, he was talking only of Love, honour, glory, and duty. He's now talking about death and dungeons.

- Iago says that he's going to poison Othello with lies

- Heaven used to be somewhere nice but now it's just a place that mocks itself

- Othello is kinda being rude to desdemona

- desdemona thinks that othello has a headache

- Desdemona dropped her handkerchief which she dearly loves

- Emilia is going to steal it and get it copied 

- but iago comes in and he takes the real one

- Iago makes emilia leave

- Iago then says that he's going to "forget" it in cassio's lodging 

- Othello enters and has now lost his peace of mind

- othello believes that it's better to be ignorant than to know too little

- Othello is going crazy

- a man in a high position could lose a lot of his reputation by a cheating wife because he's unable to control her

- othello begins threatening Iago

- Othello is now speaking like othello

- Othello has now calmed down

- othello is now back into his doubting position where here doesn't know what to believe

- othello connects the word black to himself

— black is often connected to evil, badness, and villainous stuffs

— so othello thinks that he has some evil in himself

- Othello is not sensible which could possibly be his hamartia

- along with the idea that othello's hamartia is he is too trusting.

- othello has now asked Iago to kill cassio

- and Othello is going to kill Desdemona

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