Chapter 14

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At Nivadellir Rocket was in the pod and Thor jumped from the roof onto the rings with a rope in his hand attached to the pod.

"I don't think you get the scientific here. These rings are wanna get thm moving...You're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose." Rocket said.

"Leave that to me." Thor said

"Leave that to you? Buddy, you're in space. All you got is a rope and a-"

Then Thor started swinging the pod around and let the pod drag him, until he stopped himself by digging his feet into the ring, still holding the pod. The rings started to move.

"More power, rabbit!" Thor said.

Finally the star burst into life, the rings align and a jet of light streamed through the forge.

"Well done, boy." Eitri said.

Thor, hanging on, looked through the pod window, at Rocket, an points to the star.

"That's Nivadellir." Thor said and the iris closed and the beam of light receded back into the star.

"Dang it." Eitri said.

"*Dang* it."? What's "*dang* it?" Rocket asked.

"The mechanism is crippled."

"What?" Thor asked.

"With the iris closed I can't heat the metal."

"How long will it take to heat?"

"A few minutes, maybe more. Why?"

"I'm gonna hold it open."

"That's suicide."

"So is facing Thanos without that axe."

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