well needed

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Summary:dj notices y/n trying hard and exhausting themselve,one day they faint during class because of it.

Y/ns pov:I checked the clock 11:00 pm,I was supposed to be asleep at 9:00.well anything for a good test score right?
I stayed up most of the night studying,I went to sleep at 4:00
My p/f(parental figure) smiled at me as I walked to the table "hey honey,what do you want to eat?" I looked at her "a peice of toast will do." I looked down at my book,ate my toast then went to school.

"Hey n/n!" Kimmy looked at me and waved,her and kimmy walked over to me.dj looked at me concerned "you look tired,something wrong?" I looked at her "couldn't sleep well,that's all!" I spoke dj nodded.
This cycle went on for 3 days.dj walked over to me "y/n,we need to talk." She said seriously "somethings obviously wrong!you can tell me y'know,I won't judge.." I looked at her then my world got lightheaded.i blacked out. I woke up in my house the phone rang proficiency I answered it.its dj! "Hey y/n." She spoke concern in her voice "hmm?" I hummed in response "I'm concerned about you.i say you come over to my house so we can talk about it." I gulped "okay.." time sped by quickly and I was at her house.i gor dragged to her room,where uncle Jesse and her dad were standing.

I gulped agian and felt a waterfall of tears come out.i felt djs arms around me,she hugged me tightly."hey y/n, it's alright.. no need to worry" she said calming me down.her uncle and dad talked to me,and so did she.i guess it's good when people care.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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