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// A/n : This is my first time writing a fanfiction, and I'm also not that good with grammar or anything. I'm a young writer and I appreciate criticism on anything I could improve. Thank you! //

                             11:26 PM

     Love ❤
   Hey Maya, I'm worried about you. You haven't responded to any of my messages at all today. Did something happen? Are you mad? -


I'm sorry if I did something, I really am.

I dont know what I did but please forgive me.

Maya im coming over.

Please let me in when I'm there, im worried.


Maya please this isn't you. 


Screams of horror filled the room, there's nothing she could do. I stood over her, brick in my left hand. I slammed it into her face, once, twice, three times. The blood had splattered onto my shirt, and the floor. I threw the brick to the side, and took her phone.

16 messages from Bae 💕
2 missed calls from Bae 💕

"Shit!" I yelled, he can't come over. Not after what I have just done.

Bae 💕

Babe! No need too, im sorry I haven't answered any of your messages. I have been trying to focus on school, I haven't told you, but I just got a scholarship to my dream college! How about we meet tommorow in the city, so I can make it up to you? Love you!

Read 12:01 AM


Yes, I'd love that. Tommorow at 10 AM is good. See you soon honey, love you 💕💕

Read 12:03 AM

Disgusting, I hate relationships. I never had luck when it came to love, which is how I ended up like this. Maybe it's time to start cleaning up this mess I made. I started by finding a mop, and a trash bag. I soon searched for a saw, one to take off the different limbs of her body. I cut them off, one by one. Even more blood, which means a bigger mess to clean up.

I took the mop I had found earlier and started wiping up the mess. When it was clean I put her body parts into the trash bag, and walked out. It was nearly 1am. I still needed to throw her away, as I was close to the lake anyways. I got out of my car, taking the bag with me. It was quite heavy, but that didn't bother me. I dumped her body into the lake, with the trash bag.

I made sure it sank into the water, then getting back into the car and driving off. I drove back to her house, which is where I will stay until tommorow morning. When I got back it was 2, I set an alarm for 9:30. There was still blood on my clothes, but that didn't matter to me.

// A/n : How do you think i did? If it seems lazy or half-assed its because im very tired while writing this. //


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