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// A/n : slay what you want to slay //

I turned the gun around, again. I pulled her out of the chair I had her tied to, and started besting her. I beat her until she was bloody. I hit her with the end of my gun so many times. Until the sound felt like music to my ears. Her constant whining was so annoying, I'm glad she's getting what she deserved. Instead of killing her, im going to give her head trauma. Isn't that great? I am so smart. Then, it took one final hit, and I'm sure that it was over with that. The entire floor looked bloody now, as if you spilled water, except the water was bloody and red. I always enjoyed looking at the messes I made, it was.. enjoyable.


My phone got a sudden notification. It was a text from the girl I had met in the city.

Hey! Its Reyna. Sorry I haven't texted you before I've been busy working lmao. How r u?

Thats what the text said.

Even though my hands were messy, it'd be rude to not reply. So I texted her back

Hi Reyna! I'm so sorry I didn't message you before. I'm doing good, hbu?

Good! Thanks for asking. R u doing anything tommorow? You seem nice and I wanna get to know you.

No! I'm not, if you want to meet, we can meet at the record shop in the city. Is that okay?

Yeah that's fine! See you tommorow. Is 1:00 okay?

Yeah, sure that's fine. Can't wait! After we meet at the record shop, and of course check out the records there, do u wanna stop at the coffee shop and  walk to the park?

Yeah, that sounds like fun. See you soon.

Thank God that conversation was over, did I really just agree to that? I guess i'd have to do some killing a bit earlier tommorow.. or maybe tonight.


It was so easy to sneak into these people house, I haven't paid much attention to them but it didn't matter to me. I saw someone watching TV in the living room. They looked to be drunk, and passed out on the couch. I brought my knife to their throat and slit. Then I brought my knife up and stabbed, 12 times. Why 12 you ask? Because I felt like it, I haven't stabbed someone in a while. I looked around the house for a while until I stumbled across a room with a loud noise coming from it. I cracked the door, and saw maybe a 12-13 year old, playing an electric guitar.

"Dad? Please leave me alone, dad. I did everything you asked me to." The girl spoke out, in a scared tone. I'm tired of this already, she turned around to find me pointing my gun straight at her. I knew she was about to scream, but I already shot. She fell to the floor with a loud THUD and I walked over to her lifeless body. I brought my knife and stabbed her, carving words into her stomach as I did so. "Dad? Funny." is what the carving read. God, I've done a lot of killing today. Maybe its time to walk a long way home and shower.. or kill some more. But maybe I should go with the shower, and so I will.


I just got out of the shower, getting all the blood on me off, feeling much much cleaner. I changed into comfy silk pajamas. They were light blue, and I had found them in the guys drawer, surprisingly, they fit. I felt nice and comfortable, now its time for bed after a long day. I think I deserve this.. I took a silk sleeping mask, and got into bed checking my socials as I did so. Maybe I was a killer, and a bad person, but I wasn't COMPLETELY boring. I took a photo of myself on, and captioned it, "Goodnight everyone! Make sure to lock your doors 😈. Just kidding, im not creepy 💀.". That was a weird caption, but it'll do. I kept scrolling through my daily feed. Then it was time to sleep, for real this time. I put my phone on the charger, and turned the lamp off.

Preparing for a long night of tossing and turning. For some reason, that girl who had texted me, made me feel a bit guilty of what I was doing. She didn't even say anything or ask what I was doing, but i just felt sudden guilt. God, what am I doing? Why am I doing this. I feel bad, but then again, I dont. I dont know how to feel at this point. Goodnight. I put the mask over my eyes and eventually drifted to sleep..

// A/n : oh my god I know I did terrible on this chapter its 4am pls be nice 😕. Let me know how you feel. About this chapter //

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