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9 AM

My alarm woke me up today, RING RING, it was time to get up. I won't bother to change, because my clothes will be stained either way. I'm going to decide on a metal bat, for my next victim. I'm going to smash his fucking head in. I can only feel pure hatred towards people like him, caring people like that. They're so.. annoying. I'm going to put him through so much pain. I hope he feels awful. I would now wait until 9:30 to text him.

Bae 💕

Good morning! I'm ready if you'd like to come get me now, im not sure if I can drive today because my head hurts. Is that okay?

Yes! Of course it is, ill pick you up a few. Love you ❤❤

Awe I love you more!!

Read 9:32 AM

God, I hate pretending to be this guys girlfriend. Seriously, how fucking annoying can relationships get? I stood next to the door, bat in hand. Maybe I should move spots? He would be here in less than 5 minutes so I have to be quick. My heart was pounding, im nervous for this one.

What if I dont swing hard enough? What if I miss? I shouldn't feel like this. I know my murder will be successful. It will be successful, I can be confident in that. I chose a spot in the stairwell, for some reason there is a hidden spot in the wall near the top. I could stand there it was so tall, I could either push him down the stairs, or hit him. Or maybe, both. I gripped my bat tighter, until it hurt.

I heard the door open and got ready. "Im here!" The boy shouted, when I first got a look at him, he was good-looking. Its a shame his beauty would be going to waste, just as his girlfriend. He walked up the stairs, one by one, slowly. He was right there, on my hiding spot. I swung, I hit him right in the head, and grabbed his shoulders before he could fall. He wasn't dead, but then i left go of him, pushing him off me as he fell. THUNK, the noise his body made as it hit the ground. I dropped the bat, and walked down the stairs to him.

I moved the hair out of his face, and stared. He looks.. perfect? Although his girlfriend was prettier, I was jealous of him. Something right now makes me want to hurt him again. It makes me want to smash his head over, and over. Until the floor was even more bloody, until his head looked like.. red cake. Until his skull fragments looked like eggshells, and so I did. I took the bat, and smashed his head. Until it looked like jelly and eggshells. It was gross to look at, but it felt so good. I won't be cleaning this mess up, instead I took his phone too. Fortunately he had no password. Are people really this stupid? He had a nice wallet too, i decided ill take that as well.

He had lots of pocket money, and a- a black card? He was rich.. wow. I almost felt bad for taking his money, and ruining his and his girlfriends pretty faces. Well, I actually don't care. I decided i will need new clothes again. What was a rich kid doing in such a small town like this? So tiny, all the houses are in one neighborhood. This time I will go to his house, and find fitting clothes. His wallet had a photo of his house, stupidly enough. Well I assume that's his house? Its the biggest one, and according to his black card he's rich. I walked in, with the key i also stole from his pocket. It was a far walk, a very far walk. His house was nice, as expected. A broad staircase, and a huge chandelier. I walked up to the first room I saw, checking to see if it was his. It wasn't, i checked the next room, and the next, until i found his. His room was huge. I mean huge! I opened his wardrobe and began searching through for nice clothes. I found a fancy outfit, what better thing to wear going into the city? I will be visiting expensive places, while pretending to be busy. So no one will think I'm a murderer.. I need to shower first.

11:30 AM

I got out of the shower and got ready, it is now time for me to go into the city. A nice trip it will be, I should pretend to be visiting. I'll claim im a friend of the boyfriends, that would work. Time to go out.

2:09 PM

I just got home from being out. Finally. It was a long day and luckily enough I can decide on my next victim. I have thought about the people across the street, they'll be perfect. They don't seem to be in shape, which means it should be easy enough for me to harm them. When will I attack? The weekdays are perfect, after a long day, you're worn out. While they're at work, I will sneak in. Attack from behind, maybe. The day I choose.. Tuesday. For some reason, Tuesdays are the perfect day to me. I only have to wait, 2 days, because its Sunday.


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