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// A/n : its 4am so this may be lazily written, sorry! Im trying to update as fast as I can. :) //

1:37 PM

It was now Tuesday, the time I have chosen to kill. Weapons.. there are many choices. I could use a hammer, a knife, sheers, a drill, screwdrivers, and anything else I could use. I decided on one, but now that I've done that, its time to sneak in. I cant wait until blood is spilled. Until I make another mess, a horrible one. Until I can harm more people. I really can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they find the first body. I'll wait until 7pm. Then I'll come out of hiding, and attack.


It was now 7pm, I grabbed my gun and got out of hiding. I walked around until I heard arguing. "Im so sick of you! Please just get out and leave me alone." A soft spoken voice said, "You know what? Fine. Fuck you, im leaving!" A deeper voice said. It seemed like he had started packing things up, I heard lots of shuffling. I had brought a whole bag of things I would need. I've been observant enough to realize they had a child. When I got out of hiding earlier, I had found her, and tied her up in the living room. I turned the gun in my hands around, getting ready to hit him in the head so he'd pass out as soon as he came out. Within a few minutes, he came out. I lifted the gun and hit his head twice. Of course the female heard, and came rushing out to help. I then hit her too. I put my gun back into the bag for a bit, knowing I'd have to drag them down-stairs. Instead of dragging, it was more throwing. I just let them fall without doing anything other than moving them. It was sort of funny to hear the noise, to me atleast. I then dragged them to the living room, where I had tied up the daughter. I made sure she was looking as I did this. I took the gun out of the bag, and aimed it at her, then her parents. I shot them both, the male and the female. In the head, two times, as if one wasn't enough. Blood was spilling from their heads immediately, I faced the girl, and laughed. I laughed in her face, I didn't care. There was tears in her eyes, she looked like she wanted to gouge her eyes out from what she just saw. I'm going to make her life feel even worse, and miserable.

// A/n : hahaha you thought u were getting it this chapter 🤣🤣 im sorry its so short I tried to make it longer but I need sleep so bad oh my god I feel like shit im not even joking. 😰.. Well anyways ill probably upload the next part to this in a few hours. //

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