Having Fun

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Just after deciding to get another partner for evil I noticed the blue hedgehog I tamed chewing on the wooden figure replacing me angrily. With a chuckle I clicked her and found out she thought the wooden stand in killed me and took me place. It made me laugh more before I returned to the game and picked her up. "I'm sorry Bluebell. I was in my home reality and I use the wooden doll as marker to teleport to." She calmed down but growled at the stand in anyways.

I played with her as I helped my soldiers, farmers, and any other units I spawned. Eventually I got a message from Lotus through the stand in walking over and forming speech bubbles. "Boss it's time for school. Claim whatever and get out here." I nodded and left holding Bluebell accidentally bringing her to the real world. When I realized what I did I set her down for a second and told her to stay put as I went to the shower and claimed my cultivation reward.

To put this nicely I wish I claimed it daily in the game. I spent over 2 real time days in the game. That is 48 hours in real time and 96 days in game time. I got a ton of cultivation all at once and I wanted to die. By the time it was over I threw up so much impurity goo stuff that my entire shower was filled and it took a little bit to wash it all down the drain and to take a shower. After getting fully clean I notice it feels like I have multiple galaxies of stars in that weird spot near my stomach.

Noticing the time I quickly get dressed and run out the door. Bluebell didn't want to be left behind so she used her soul power to fly over and land on my shoulder. That right, I have a cultivating hedge hog. Lotus quickly followed us as I ran to school. It wasn't until we got in front of our school when he noticed Bluebell. "What's with the Sonic rip off?"

That pissed her off causing her to spit a few fire balls at him until I told her to stop. "Don't tease Bluebell. She's my familiar and I will explain more later." Lotus sighs and goes to his classroom as I go to mine and go through the lessons like normal, minus the bullying. Halfway through the day Katsuki did come back though with a cast on his arm. He growled as he walked by me only for Bluebell to growl back and make lightning spark between her quills.

"What the fuck is that Freak?" I chuckled, "So it's from Deku to freak? So uncreative, her name is Bluebell and she is my familiar. You know my quirk duplicates and enhances quirks. One with a witch like quirk hit me and I got her." I noticed Bluebell give me an odd look before she growled at Katsuki again until he sat down finally. Once he sat down I whispered to Bluebell, "I can't exactly say you come from another reality." She nodded and relaxed on my shoulder.

Class continued until the new teacher messed up in my opinion. She brought in a huge stack of papers and said, "Now I would hand out these aptitude tests but I know you all want to be heroes!" As she tosses them into the air everyone uses their quirks except for me. Then Katsuki jumped into his desk, "Don't lump me or the freak with everyone else. I'm going to be the Number 1 hero as Freak ends up a villain." This made everyone shut up instantly and freeze as I just looked at him.

That's when Bluebell got him in the family jewels. This daredevil hedgehog loudly growled, launched herself off my shoulder, curled up mid air, and nailed his family jewels with her quills. We were all stunned for a good minute or two before Katsuki screamed in pain. I quickly removed Bluebell and scolded her for attacking him as some classmates took Katsuki to the school nurse. As they left all Bluebell did was squeak in what seemed to be in anger but I couldn't understand her.

[Want two Multiversal Language Quirk Crystals? It's only 20 shards.]

I simply nodded and pretended to take them from my pocket. After popping one into my mouth I gave the other two Bluebell who licked hers a couple times before she swallowed it. After a couple minutes she finally spoke in what I can only say is an American Southern accent.

"Masta why didn' ya beat that pussy willow black and blue?"

"Because he just has a giant ego. It's a side effect of his quirk and how the world views flasher, stronger quirks."

"So I did bad trying to remove him from the gene pool?"

"Yes. When he comes back apologize for attacking him ok?"

"No. If he insults you again I'll use my skills to make sure he doesn't have kids."

My classmates all backed away, physically moving their desks away when she said that. I had to control myself from laughing from how in sync everyone was. After regaining my composure I sighed.

"Bluebell you can't just attack anyone who is rude or a jerk. We have to be above them ok?"

"Why? Why should I not attack them?"

"Because I do want to be a hero even with my kinda messed up quirk. Promise only to attack villain from now on?"

"Fine I promise, but I want more of those weird crystal things. They taste awesome."

"It's just rock candy. It's a candy made of almost pure sugar."

With that over with I used my money to get some real rock candy from a classmate who seems to always have candy on them. I handed a couple to Bluebell and watched her dance a bit.

"This one tastes different but it's awesome!!"

"According to the package it's strawberry flavored."

"Tastes good whatever that is."

Class then decided to offer up treats to appease her and I took notes. She likes strawberries, apples, and cherries. She is a bit of a cannibal though as she loves blueberries. I had to explain the joke some to her but she gets it. Looks like I have a super pet to train to do play both sides of the law.

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