Chapter Six: The Letter

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Tord also found the pack of cigarettes that Edd got pissed about and went outside to sit at the outside table. You know, the one where the best conversations happen, glass table, plastic chairs...

The Norwegian pulled out a lighter from his pocket. He pulled his legs up to his chest and looked at the sky, the sunset was strangely beautiful after the rain cleared up.

He was on his third cig before Edd came outside. "Tom is searching for you," He informed, coughing at the smoke. "He's invaded your room and refused to get out." He then added.

The last sentence got a reaction from Tord. "He what?!" He panicked before leaving his cigarette in the Ashtray and running up to his room to find Tom, still not very sober, going through Tord's papers that were on his desk. "Thomas!" He exclaimed.

Tom was laughing at some paper that he had in hand before turning around to face Tord. It was such a relief to see that he wasn't doing any serious snooping around, like going through Tord's drawers, not that there was anything much there but still.

Tord sighed and sat down on his bed before pulling out pre-rolled blunts from his bedside table drawer. He lit it up. Tord couldn't handle the brit by being sober-minded. He needed a distraction.

Tom gasped. "Tord, that's illegal." He chuckled.

"Exactly." He laughed along while physically being able to feel every muscle in his body relax and his mind becomes blank. Though when Tord looked at the door, he remembered that the smell could in fact get through it, he quickly rummaged through his wardrobe and found some clothing he didn't care about to stuff the gaps in the door.

He and Tom probably had the best conversation since... probably high school. They both seemed laid back, without a worry in the world and not a single thought behind their eyes. Sobriety sucks!

"And then- so, I went to-" Tord was cut off by someone trying to open the door. He panicked, he wasn't supposed to be smoking inside, especially weed, even in his room.

"Todd? Please come and eat dinner with us, I'm worried for you." Matt came knocking on his door.

Phew, at least it wasn't Edd, he would beat his ass. "I'll come, thanks, Matt." He shouted out, finishing the blunt and standing up. Wait- he was definitely going to smell. He opened his closet to find an old, black and oversized hoodie, it will do. He quickly changed and sprayed himself with a small amount of deodorant.

Tom only now noticed how brutally Tord's back was messed up when the Norwegian took off his shirt. At least the right part. The skin wasn't fully healed yet, revealing a bit of flesh in some parts, but way less compared to the first month of staying at the house.

He was snapped out of his trance with Tord grabbing him by the forearm and dragging him out to the kitchen. The two of them sat down with the most innocent, fake smile.

Edd wasn't stupid, he could clearly smell the vodka coming off of Tom and the deodorant. Tord's eyes were hooded and bloodshot red. He decided not to mention it and was just happy that they came to eat for once. Edd was starting to get worried about how little Tord ate, some days he only ate breakfast and that would last him through the day.

Honestly, they looked so stupid while trying to look sober, they weren't fooling anyone, even with the casual small-talk. When Tord finished eating, he quickly thanked Edd and ran back to his room, almost falling over. Tom wasn't in a rush, he enjoyed the food and after everyone ate, he helped clean up, watching him stumbling through the kitchen was hilarious, though he never actually fell to the ground surprisingly.

Tom didn't think to go back to his room, instead, he barged into Tord's room.

Tord was laying on his bed, partially under his blanket. Only his top half, specifically his chest was covered since the skin on his stomach was bare with the way the fabric of the hoodie laid on him.

Tom saw him and decided to crash there for the night, he fell on the bed as well. And that's how they fell asleep, somewhere in the night, Tord ended up spooning Tom, even though he was just slightly shorter than the brit. He even lifted his leg on Tom's hip and had his nose in the back of his head, his shampoo smelled nice.

Finally, Tord had a very pleasant night. He slept until about 9 A.M.

He opened his eyes and saw Tom. Needless to say, he was disgusted at himself, how could this happen again and why did he always sleep well when he was near. He slowly got off the bed, so as not to wake up Tom and be even more embarrassed and then went to the kitchen for breakfast, not realising that he was only wearing the oversized hoodie and boxers.

"Good morning." he yawned, seeing Edd and Matt having breakfast.

Edd looked at Tord, trying not to laugh. "Morning, so... you got lucky?"

Tord looked confused, sitting at the table, making cereal. "Ummm... What do you mean?" He asked before stuffing his face with his breakfast.

"Ooh, nothing." He rolled his eyes while cooking bacon.

Tord shrugged it off, finishing eating and putting his bowl in the sink. He walked outside to check the mail. He brought back all the letters, just bills and whatnot. Though he gazed at a letter addressed to him. He returned to the kitchen and opened the letter addressed to him.

Reading very carefully through it had him in shock. "Matt! Give me your phone." He aggressively demanded.

Matt didn't object, just handed him the phone.

Tord paced around the room, angrily dialling up some phone number. Edd held back tears of laughter, this short, Norwegian man was angrily marching in the kitchen without any pants on.

"You assholes!" Tord shouted into the phone.

"Oh hey Tord, how have you been?" a slightly familiar voice responded.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'medical leave prolonged'?!" He continued to shout.

The person on the other end stayed silent for a couple of minutes. "Ooooh!" the sound of realisation. "Yeah, you need more rest, should we send you back to the physiatry?"

"You must be kidding, please..." Tord whined. "I've been doing just fine..."

"You can't go back yet, I know that you haven't been taking care of your skin." the voice scolded.

"I can't be absent any longer, you fuckers better apologise right now!" He continued shouting. This was the biggest let-down the whole time while staying here.

"I'm sorry, you better learn how to take care of yourself properly, and don't smoke that much."

"You're kidding, right? Do you want me to quit? You fucking idiot, where do you I think I got it from?" Tord said exaggeratingly. "Fuck you." He didn't have the energy to be loud anymore, just disappointment came from his voice. He hung up and almost slammed the phone into the table before remembering to give it back to Matt.

He stormed off to his room, slamming the door shut and remembering that Tom was there "Get out of my fucking room!" He shouted and hit Tom in the head. Not because he was mad at him, but because he was mad at himself.

"Alright, alright..." Tom yawned, not being able to comprehend what was happening but still leaving.

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