Chapter Fifteen: It's Not That Serious

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After realising that they couldn't get back to Tord's house by themselves since neither of them were sober, Tord quickly caught up to Paul and Pat to ask for a ride.

They were a bit surprised that their precious son was bringing someone back to his place. Sure, they cared more about Tord and his safety, but they didn't mind his friend.

The two of them gathered their instruments, though Tom put his bass in his car so when he'd get back he wouldn't have to worry about it. On the other hand, when they got in, Tord had basically hugged his trumpet for the whole ride.

They started driving, Tord and Tom were mostly silent for the ride, Tom felt a bit awkward around Tord's parents, especially after Pat found Tord laying around on his lap.

Tord was also relieved once they pulled up to his apartment. "Oh, we're here." He looked over to Tom and opened the door for himself and got out, Tom also followed. "Thank you for the ride." He politely thanked the two men in the front.

It had started to rain once they were in the car so both of them hurried to get under a roof. Tord unlocked his apartment door and they both walked through it.

"You want some coffee? Tea?" Tord asked as he took off his shoes.

"Yeah, coffee sounds nice actually." Tom accepted the offer.

Tord kind of hoped that he wouldn't want anything, he didn't want to make anything right now, just lay down on the couch, turn on the TV and fall asleep. But he got himself into this so he didn't complain. "By the way, I only have the 3in1 packs, that's alright with you?"

"Just whatever you have is fine." He said lazily and went to check out Tord's apartment. It surprised him how clean it was. Small, sure, but clean. The living room was in the same room as the kitchen so they both went in there. And as Tom sat on the couch, Tord was across the room making them coffee.

He brought the coffee and noticed his old cup from last night which he made and forgotten to drink. Such a waste, he'd have to pour it down the drain. So after he did that, he sat down next to Tom. He felt tired after the day so he detached his prosthetic arm and rested it on the ground, he put it down gently though. Tord was comfortable enough around Tom to be without his one arm.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Tom's phone rang, and he didn't hesitate to pick up. "Hello."

It was Edd. "Tom, are you coming back anytime soon?"

"Nah, we got drunk so I'm spending the night at Tord's."

"Ooooh... Good luck then," Edd laughed before hanging up and turning to Matt. "Our little Tom is growing up." He said sarcastically.

"They grow up so fast," Matt added, letting out a laugh.

Back at Tord's place, the Norwegian laughed. "Aw look, he's worried about you."

Tom smirked. "Eh, I doubt it." He said as he took a sip from his coffee and glanced to his side to see a remote, he picked it up and turned on the TV that was in front of them. He was bored and wanted something for background noise so he just left it on the channel it switched on to automatically.

Well, Tord didn't want to watch the news, he reached for the remote but had completely forgotten that he no longer had an arm so he fumbled over Tom, not catching himself in time and hitting Tom's shoulder. Though he quickly got up and held the remote with his left hand. No big deal.

Unless you're Tom, then it did feel like a huge deal. If not for his quick reaction and head Turn, Tord's lips would have gotten way too close to his own. He sat there, trying to snap back. He kept thinking about how innocently Tord looked and the feeling of Tord's body on top of his own.

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