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"I'm not going on that shit." Jahseh complained as we stood on the docks next to a giant boat. Percy thought it would be a better idea to travel on our father's territory. But of course Jahseh being Jahseh hated that idea.

"Look demon if we travel on water we our protected from monsters that would try to attack us on land. Plus more than one demi god of the same parent being together is as dangerous as you threatening the gods themselves."

Percy snapped glaring at him. "We can fight them off it's easy!" Jahseh snapped back with his hands in fists at his sides. "This boat looks like it came off of Pirates of the Caribbean. How is nobody saying anything about that?"

My god father said looking around at all the people around us. He was right in this sense. The boat itself looked like something you would catch Jack Sparrow on. It was to the point I was hoping that Johnny Depp would appear dressed as the pirate everyone knows and loves.

"The mist is what makes mortals see something totally different. To us it's Jack Sparrow's boat as you may say but to mortals it's just a regular boat." Percy explains with a big sigh.

"I was never really a big fan of Jack Sparrow. He was weird." Stacy said making us all look at her. "Shut the fuck up Amber!" Ski snapped before walking up onto the boat rolling his eyes.

Jahseh chuckled at this before looking back up the boat with a look of concern on his face. "Can we just get on the boat already? We up here looking crazy standing here as if we just admiring the beauty like some damn window shoppers."

Grover huffed out before going up into the boat as well. "Thank you Grover!" Percy exclaimed before turning to me. "Alexis, after you." He said motioning me to walk through.

Ignoring Jahseh's gaze as he then snapped his head in my direction I made my way onto the boat followed by Jace and Alec. "Your boyfriend is a difficult one huh?" Alec snickered at my side causing me to blush.

"He's been very difficult yes. But he's my difficult one." I said making Alec roll his eyes playfully. "Alexis your boyfriend is still refusing to get on." Annabeth scoffed following shortly after us.

"My vrother hates the water. He once had to fight this water demon as training for Lucifer and he got his ass kicked cause he's so used to fighting on land. Since then he hated travelling by water."

Ski said chuckling at the memory of it. Percy, Stacy and my god father were the next ones to get on the boat leaving Jahseh to stand on the docks alone. "Sis, permission to get his ass on the boat?"

Percy said looking hopeful but annoyed. I nodded my head before speaking. "You have my permission. Just don't hurt him." I said as Percy grinned before mumbling words into the air.

Soon the planks we used to get up onto the boat slid away from the docks and next to some ropes. Then the boat started moving making me furrow my brows running up to the boats ledge watching as Jahseh's eyes went wide.

"Percy how is leaving him going to get him on the boat?" I snapped looking desperately at Jahseh who started chasing the boat then back at Percy who just chuckled as he extended his hands towards the water.

It was at this moment I knew I fucked up. Water flew up into the air and hovered over Jahseh who stopped in his tracks. "Percy you better fucking not!" Jahseh screamed as everyone else came to see what was happening.

My god father started laughing immediately. "You should have listened the first time!" Percy called out before slamming his hand down onto Jahseh forming his hand as if he was grabbing something.

When he lifted his hand the wave of water went up with it along with Jahseh who looked like he was desperately trying to get out of its hold. Percy then moved the water above the boat as we all watched in awe.

That was until Jahseh came falling out of the water and onto the deck with a loud groan as Percy sent the water back where it belonged. "Percy I'm going to fucking kill you after this!" Jahseh shortly exclaimed as me and Ski rushed over to him.

"Jah are you ok?" I said grabbing onto his arm helping him up. Ski stood there wiping away tears of laughter. "I'm fine babe. Ski stop fucking laughing that shit wasn't funny!"

Jahseh snapped making Ski laugh more. "You right it wasn't funny. It was fucking hilarious! How you feel getting manhandled by water vrother." Ski hollered making Jahseh glare daggers at him.

"Fuck off Ski!" Jahseh snapped while I led him to some stairs on the boat. "You should have just listened the first time Seh Seh." I said as we took a seat. But he didn't answer and instead turned his face to look at me before placing a quick but gentle kiss to my lips.

"I could have easily broken free from it but I chose to not waste my energy to much." He breathed when he pulled away. I rolled my eyes playfully making him smirk. But that smirk soon faded as he looked down at the floor.

I furrowed my brows confused at his sudden change in behavior. "What's wrong?" I asked placing a hand on his knee making him sigh. "This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for me." He said as the boat pushed forwards.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously making him sigh. "I gave Lucifer a small hint that I liked you when he told me he would kill you himself if I didn't. If I would have lied and told him I was working on killing you we would've had a head start in our plans."

Jahseh responded looking back at me his eyes searching for a reaction out of me. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked moving away from him a little which he took notice in very quickly. "Alexis if I wanted to kill you you would have been dead already."

"I'm not known for failing to kill someone. In fact I'm known for always getting the job done. That's why Lucifer made sure I was the one he sent to kill you. And now you see where that got me." He said making me nod.

Most wouldn't have trusted him after what he said just now. Shit my god father didn't trust him at all. But in this moment I trusted him even more. Jahseh had many opportunities to kill me but he never took them.

Instead he stayed by my side and protected me from danger. That was all the conformation I needed to know that Jahseh wouldn't hurt me. "Alexis, when you can come to the lower deck. I want to show you something."

Percy spoke walking up to us. "Ok I'll be there." I replied as he glared at Jahseh before walking away. "Jahseh you need to at least try to be nice to everyone here. We are all here for the same reason." I said looking back at him.

Jahseh rolled his eyes at this but didn't complain. It got silent between us then. Nobody said anything and the only sound was the waves hitting against the boat. "For you I'll try." Jahseh then spoke breaking the silence.

"For you and you only I'll try." He said leaning over kissing my lips once more before getting up reaching out a hand for me to take it. "You promise?" I responded taking his hand in mine letting him help me up. "I promise." He said before we both made our way to the lower deck.

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