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If you don't have your screen black with white words you might want to change the settings to it before you read on. This is for more of an effect for what is going to happen ;)

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"You got a lot of balls speaking to me like that." My god father growled out with his hands closed into fists.

Jahseh smiled letting out a short laugh afterwards. "I'll talk to you however I want to talk to you. Just because your her god father don't mean I'll change how I am for you."

He snapped back glaring at my god father. "Jahseh we need him to help us! Why can't you play nice for once!" Ski shouted pushing past them both going straight for Jahseh.

Ski grabbed both his arms and pushed him away from the door. "Get the fuck off me!" Jahseh snapped at him trying to get away from him.

"You need to calm the fuck down! Don't you want Alexis safe?! Calm your ass down and accept this help!" Ski finally yelled making all movements from Jahseh stop.

"Please come inside. We don't need anyone hearing this." Stacy spoke letting me and my godfather inside. "What's going on exactly? Because these god damn demons were ready to attack my daughter. I was glad to get here when I did."

My god father spoke making everyone look at me. "You see I told you to let me go with you! But no you told me no. What if he wasn't there for you? You would be dead and then how do you think I would feel!?"

Jahseh screamed at me. From his eyes I could tell the gears in his head were turning. I know he was worried about me.

"Seh seh my dad would have killed you before I could even introduce you! You know I didn't want that!" I exclaimed finally.

"Look she's safe now ok! Stop arguing already!" Stacy screamed out as both Jahseh and my god father looked at her. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" They both shouted glaring at her.

"Everyone shut the fuck up and listen! If she had demons find her that quickly as soon as she was left outside then they have to know where we are. Meaning we can't stay here. Percy needs to get here and now!"

Ski then said right before an ear splitting scream sounded in the hallway. This was soon followed by a monstrous roar before all went silent. "Shit that sounds like a big one." Ski then said before I head to the door looking through the peephole.

The hallway was dark and I couldn't make out anything. So I pulled away and placed my ear to the door while everyone else was silent behind me. I heard low hisses and loud footsteps going back and forth past our door and back again.

That was until it all stopped and nothing was heard. At this I pulled away and put my eye back towards the peephole. Once I did this I was met with this.

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