Chapter 9

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Hair color (H/C)

Your Name(Y/N)

Your Nickname (Y/N/N)

Hair Length (H/L)

Skin color (S/C)

Eye color (E/C)

Favorite Colour (F/C)



Third POV

"Put us down!" Andrew said as Marshmellow held the group.

" Go away!" He threw Andrew and Kristan who bounces off the slides into the snow while Sven has his tongue stuck to the ice stairs as ani tried to help him.

Marshmellow walks down the steps and gently puts Y/N to the ground and pats her head. " Thanks, I think???" she said as he walks back up

" Heads up!" the trio ducked as Olaf's head was thrown to the " watch out for my butt!"

" OH, YOU THROW US BUT KEEP HER DOWN GENTLY?!?!" Andrew yelled making a snowball " IT IS NOT NICE TO THROW PEOPLE!"

" Woah calm down we don't want that guy to get angry," Kristan said 

" Okay...I am calm...." Andrew said making them believe he calm down before throwing the snowball at the marshmallow.

" Andrew you idiot!" Y/N said hopping on ruggy as Marshmallow turned into his monster form.

" I will distract him you guys go!" Olaf said as they divide into three. Lily and Sven ran in one direction, Andrew and Kristan in another direction and Y/n took to the sky with ruggy and ani.


Y/N pov

Stupid Andrew and looked now they are being chased...ahhh.My chest...hurts.....

" Y/N..." Ani chattered and freaks at something

" Ani? what is it? what..." I stopped seeing my hair turning white..." what the..." the pain stopped but now I have white strands on my hair " my hair is white...."

suddenly I heard Andrew scream and saw he jumped over the cliff with Kristan tied to a rope then I saw olaf toss over as a put my hood back on and hid my hair.

I flew quickly to olaf as I grab his body and ani grabs his head.

"Thanks, monkey pal!! OH look we are flying!" Olaf said as he sat next to me " This is a comfortable rug!"

Suddenly I heard the two scream and fall, I quickly grab the rope tied to them and they looked up at me to see I am holding them as they dangle in the air.

"YOU'RE WELCOME...BOY, YOU BOTH ARE HEAVY!" I said trying to hold them long enough till ruggy comes close to the ground and they stand  up. " thanks Y/N..." Andrew said 

" No problem..." I said 

" Hey look Sven and Lily found us!' Olaf said giving lily a hug

" You ok?" Kristan asked Andrew 

Y/N and Frozen: Beware of frozen heart (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now