The Wicked Ice King

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I will be using some ep from the Aladdin series and even making my own



" There has got to be undiscovered powers...something out there!"Mozenrath said looking through his crystal ball for new powers.

" Mozenrath! Mozenrath! I got something!" His familiar Xerxes comes to him.

" What? what did you find?" he said as his familiar give him a letter. It was from Elson to Aladdin inviting them to Arendelle for Y/N's surprise birthday.

" Sweet Y/N is in arendelle? mmm" he used his magic crystal and it shows arendelle. It shows her and Elson together laughing as he kissed her cheek.

" THAT FOOL! HE DARES TAKE HER FROM ME!" He said furiously but then stops and see him making ice rose with his magic and gifting it to her." Ice magic! Ice magic!!!" Xerxes said excitedly 

" Interesting he is a king with snow magic..." Mozenrath said " No matter I will have her back to me! aladdin can wait...I need my queen back " He then sees the old ice palace of Elson and his snow minions. " and what better way is for him to help me"



" La la la~" I hum a melody as I brush my (H/L) hair. I am getting ready for another date with Elson. We have gone a couple of times as much as he can during his busy schedule as king of Arendelle.

(Your outfit)

(Your outfit)

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