Eye of the beholder - Part 1

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I will be using some ep from the Aladdin series and even making my own



" Why do you persist in tormenting humanity mirage?" a blind prophet asked a cat goddess.

" Why do you persist on tormenting me fazir!?" she said to him as he hovered in front of him "you're so tiresome with your hopeless causes"

" On the contrary, it is you with your hopeless cause," he said " good always triumphs over evil for love is the strength of good," he said and she laughed

" love...it is no more than a tingly feeling. it is weak" 

" no..witness these souls mirage," he said creating a magic window.  it shows y/n and elson walking together laughing as they talked in Agrabah " remember Aladdin's sister...she has grown up and found love...she went through a spell which only can be cured with true love and that happened when she sacrificed herself to save that man she is with. their love was powerful and true that it broke the frozen heart. so their love can withstand anything that you can never destroy their love"

" How dare you pull your cheap parlor tricks " she turns to fazir who vanished " never destroy their love? we will see about that fazir" she transformed herself into a simple woman " we'll see"

At the marketplace in Agrabah

" man this place is hot," Kristan said as she, Y/N, Olaf, and iago are taking a look around in the marketplace. 

" well Agrabah is always hot in the daytime," Y/N said 

" and freezing at night," olaf said enjoying the place

(Y/N outfit)

(Y/N outfit)

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