Eye of the beholder - Part 2

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Hair color (H/C)

Your Name(Y/N)

Your Nickname (N/N)

Hair Length (H/L)

Skin color (S/C)

Eye color (E/C)

Favorite Colour (F/C)



I will be using some ep from the Aladdin series and even making my own


Third pov

soon with Y/N, Elson, ani, and olaf on ruggy while Andrew, Kristan, abu, Aladdin, and jasmine on the carpet as they land in front of an enormous landmark

" what is it genie?" Aladdin asked genie

" kid think of this as a map the ancient nomads marked the way to the tree...I will do the honors " he said placing a hand on the large handprint of the landmark then suddenly a giant fireball came out of it and flew off in a direction.

" that way we can go by foot," Aladdin said

" Right behind you Aladdin," elson said " see y/n you will be good as cured"

Y/N was carried in a sedan by the genie clones as they walked through the swamp.

" hon deves, mint tea...slippers? oh right I think I will go see how dinner is coming along" the genie said vanishing into his lamp.

" thanks but I don't need all this...I will walk...slither...whatever I will do" she said hopping off the ride and moving side by side with Kristan.

Suddenly the boys were attacked by tentacles that took them underwater. " ELSON!ALADDIN!" Y/N screamed and soon thieves came out of hiding

" Give us your valuables or..." one of the thieves blow a horn and the tentacles holding the boys hold them out of the water before pulling back in "the beast finish your friends."

"It's bad enough we are walking through a stinky swamp, we have to get mugged too!" Iago said " yeah it's bad," Olaf said

" take them!" jasmine gave the gold and jewels to them " Let them go!"

" But why you're going to the same place girls," the thief said. Y/N see the buddles vanishing

" NO" She gets angry and becomes threatening in her form. "BRING THEM BACK!" Y/N snarled that she terrified the thieves and grab the thief with the horn with her tail " I SAID BRING THEM BACK" the thief quickly blows the horn and the boys are tossed out.

" Andrew!" Kristan helps him and elson as jasmine held Aladdin. Y/N toss the thief and they all ran.

"RUN SHE IS A MONSTER!" One of them said as they run. Y/n realized what she did and gets sad

" they are right I am a monster."

" no your not...You're the woman I love" Elson said hugging her. Unknown mirage was watching them.


they all took a break as Elson rested with Y/N and iago come to them "Boy princess that was some fancy tail work...Boom wack!" Iago said, " You sure you want to tail...it comes in handy and in the situation."

Y/N and Frozen: Beware of frozen heart (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now