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"Y/n-san, I don't think Gojo-sensei will be coming back anytime soon." Fushiguro said looking at his phone.

The two of you were done with dessert and had now spoken about a lot of stuff.

"Yeah, you're right." You sighed.

You felt a bit upset that he left like that. Even if it was the higher ups that called him in, he should've told them that he was busy, like he has done many times before.

"Would you like to come to Akihabara with me?" Fushiguro asked with a smile.

"Akihabara?" You looked at him confused.

"Yes, it's really fun there. We can play arcade games and buy some really cool souvenirs." He explained.

Fushiguro could see that you were upset that Gojo hadn't come back yet and he was trying to cheer you up.

"Ok." You said signaling the waitress to bring the bill.

After paying and telling Gojo that you two were leaving. You called a cab and a silent drive later, you and Fushiguro were in Akihabara.

"Wow...this is a really busy district." You said as the two of you walked along the pavement of the busy streets.


The sun was setting and the district lit up with all sorts of advertisements.

You walked into an arcade and began to explore the fun games.


"How are you so good at this?" You asked as you looked at your dead avatar.

"I enjoy this kinds of games." Fushiguro smiled.

"That's a bit shocking, you seem like a serious kid who doesn't know this stuff?" You admitted.

"I get that a lot." He smiled.

"Ok, rematch! We're not leaving this place until I beat you." You told him.

"Wow [Y/n], do you plan on sleeping here?" He asked.

"Why you little...you're going to regret saying that." You warned.

"Ok." He chuckled.



Gojo walked a long distance before entering a secluded alley and Naoya followed a few steps behind him.

"Does this bring back memories?" He asked Naoya as he sat on some boxes that were stacked on top of each other.

Naoya looked around for a moment, "This is the alley from last time, isn't it? You really made me walk all this way, just to bring me here?"

"If I'm being honest with you, I think that most of [Y/n]'s problems would be solved if you died." He said folding his arms, "...don't you think so too?"

Naoya didn't respond, as those words clouded his mind with fear.

"That night, when I found you in this alley parading your dick at my woman, I should've just killed you. But you wanna know why I didn't?" He asked in a serious tone.

No response.

"Because, I was too worried about [Y/n]'s condition. So, I left you laying here half dead and got Shoko to treat her."

"Why are you telling me-"

"Do you know why you're still breathing right now?" Gojo asked cutting him off.

He frowned and didn't say a word.

"You're alive, because of my woman. If it wasn't for her, I would've killed you the moment you stepped out of that hotel today. You see, she asked me not to harm you. Even after all the bullshit you've done to her, she still asked me not to come after you. Do you know how much that pisses me off?" He asked angrily.

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