Chapter 6 {explanation}

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POV: George

I actually can't believe that this idiot is our new bodyguard. Just as I thought somebody was actually nice to me, turned out that somebody was also one of our bodyguards. The worst thing is, he was quit good looking.

Rest of the dinner I could feel him throwing sad glances at me, but I just ignored him.

After the dinner we all got in the car and are now driving home. Dream drove us first to my dad's house which was quite annoying as we will have to sit alone in the car afterwards.

"Thank you Dream for today's company, have a nice rest of the night" my dad said while Dream was holding his door open for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Davidson, for having me at this dinner, and you also have a nice rest of the night" Dream said smoothly.

After dropping off my dad, dream got in the car and began driving me home.

"So... could you please like explain to me why you hate me so much now?" he said scared.

"What do you want me to say? I already told you everything!" I said with annoyance.

"Well I don't quite understand what you meant with that" I could hear his confusion.

"Every bodyguard my dad has ever hired, has tried to make me fall for them so they would be on the good side of my dad. You are just one of them who went a little bit too far with this whole thing. So far everyone have only flirted with me but never made me sleep next to them." I explained looking out of the window.

"Okey, I am sorry it came off as if that was my goal but I promise I would never do such a thing" he said serious but with a smile.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" I asked, now annoyed at his perfect smile.

"Because I can't believe people would actually do something like that. Oh, look we are here Tiny!"

"Finally, took you long enough." I said.

I wanted to open my door but got stopped by Dream who held the door closed.

"What the hell?!" I shouted pissed again.

"I am still on my duty so I still have to open doors for you" he said with his annoying smile.

"Shut up" was all I said as I walked away.

"Not even a thank you?" he asked with a sad voice.

I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. As if I would thank this idiot again.

I was quite tired when I got home. Next, I took a hot shower to relax my body and went straight to my bed. Only then I noticed, I was wearing Dreams hoodie. How did I end up putting it on? Whatever, he did say I could keep it and it's really comfy so couldn't get bothered getting changed.

After a while of just laying on my bed and staring at my ceiling I heard my phone buzz. 


Hey, can we talk?

What do you want?

I was thinking about us and yk, I can

Wait until you are really ready for me.


Maybe we could try work things out

I still love you George.

Floris, I need time.

I hope you understand that?

Yes of course I understand that

I just really want you back

I can't live without you

Pls give me some time to think ok?

Of course baby <3

Good night

Night <3

Luv u <3


What should I do now? I still have feelings for Floris, but he really hurt me and because of him I almost slept with a random dude who turned out to be my Bodyguard.

If I think about it like that, he did sound genuine when he explained everything to me but how can I know if it was truth or not. I could easily ask my dad but he would give me a whole lecture about how I shouldn't drink too much or how reckless that was of me for trusting a complete stranger. I don't really have the energy for that.

While brainstorming for so long I slowly drifted off to sleep. The last thing on my mind was Dream which was annoying but better then Floris and his clingy ass.

The next morning was like every other Sunday morning.

I wake up.

Take a fresh shower.

Eat breakfast.

Look up if I have any homework and if I have then I do it and only then I take my phone in my hand. I wish I hadn't because the message, my dad sent me almost made me murder someone right then and there.


Good Morning George.

From now on Dream will be driving

Picking up you from school.

Don't even try to discuss with me.

Have a nice day!

Here is also Dreams phone number

Just in case


I didn't even bother answering my dad or save Dreams phone number. The last thing I want is him texting me the whole time.

My phone buzzed again which annoyed me a lot at the moment, but I still picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked not looking who called me.

"Hi baby! Do you want to hang out today at mine?" Floris asked hopeful.

"Yeah, why not, I have nothing better to do anyway" I said uninterested.

"Okey, see you soon" Floris said, hanging up immediately.

How am I supposed to get to him? That was like a 25 min walk. I looked at my phone and almost immediately knew who could give me a drive. Dream. Why do I always have to ask him for help? With hesitance, I dialed his number and called him.

"Hello?" he said with a really deep voice. Did I wake him up? Why do I even care?

"Come pick me up in 1 hour or I will get you fired!" I said sternly.

"Wait what? You can't fire me! Why do I need to pick you up? Where are you going?" he sounded genuinely confused to which I had to suppress my laugh.

"So many questions, so annoying. Just come pick me up, I need a ride" I said trying to act tuff.

"Okey, fine. I will be at yours in 1 hour" he said quite annoyed for probably not being able to sleep longer.

"Okey, bye" I said and hung up.

Because I was only visiting Floris, I didn't dress up too much. I still wore some nice cloths but nothing special that would catch anyone's attention.

1 hour had passed und my doorbell rang. I quickly got up from my couch and wenr over to my front door. Slowly opening my door, I saw Dream. He wore I guess a green hoodie with black jeans that weren't skinny but also not extreme baggy. He looked really good in casual outfits.

"Hello Tiny. Looking good today!" he said happily.

"why are you so happy?" I asked ignoring the compliment.

"I am always happy" he said smiling like a jerk.

"Whatever, Lets go" I said walking closer to him so I also was standing outside and could close the door.


Slightly boring but the next chapter will contain some angst and drama!

Thank you for reading!

Bye <3

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