Chapter Twenty Nine

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The drive was long, and while Edward attempted to get me to fall asleep, I was painfully conscious for the entire journey. At one point Esme even tried to get me to sleep, finally giving up and simply handing me a granola bar when my stomach gave the slightest sound of hunger. Esme gave Edward what seemed to be a knowing glance, and when I looked at Edward curiously he just laughed and rolled his eyes at Esme. "Esme seems to think your stubbornness is both charming, and very similar to my own." He smiled sweetly at me, then turned his gaze back to Esme, a challenging eyebrow raise meeting her full smile. A musical like laugh broke through Esme's smile, Carlisle joining in on the jovial mood with his own music like laughter. "It appears," Edward laughed into my hair as he shook his head, "that Carlisle agrees in this sentiment."

I smiled and leaned more into Edward's embrace, holding his hand in my own and staring at the thin scar that traced down the back of it. "I may be stubborn, but Edward I think you are just downright bull headed." A ploom of air escaped Edward's lips as he laughed, sending a few of my wispy baby hairs into a tailspin after they had escaped the loose side braid I had pulled them into. I traced my finger along the scar before moving to look at Edward. "You can't even argue it, I know I'm right." I raised my eyebrows and gave him a small smirk.

Edward shook his head and dipped his face low and close to mine, the scent of honeysuckle and lavender brushing against my cheeks with his every breath. I felt my cheeks redden and my smirk falter slightly. "Is that so?" He smiled, knowing full well how flustered I became at this proximity. We had shared so few moments where our lips were this close, that now I could barely breathe. The electricity between us made me shiver as I looked into his eyes. The tips of our noses brushed gently against each other, and at that exact moment- I sneezed. In a surprising act from both of us, my head rocked forward and I slammed my forehead into his nose. When I pulled back my forehead ached and both of us laughed far too hard to continue the flirtation. I settled back into my comfy position of resting my head against Edward's shoulder, looking back out the window at the landscape around us. The timing of our arrival allowed us to land and begin driving just in time to see the winter borealis. The tendrils of light that danced filled me with awe as I leaned back against Edward.

At some point the motion of the car and the view out the window, along with Edward's humming, I fell asleep. I had just begun to fall into a dream that had all the makings of a weird story, (I'm talking velociraptors having high tea) when I felt the sensation of falling. I gasped and my eyes flew open, only to realize my head had begun to fall off Edward's shoulder and he was less than an inch from catching it. He gave me an apologetic smile and caressed my cheek. Whenever he did those little actions I found myself blushing harder than I did when we were but an inch from kissing. Seeing my face redden, he fought down a smile and scrunched his nose.

"We are almost there." Esme's voice rang out, and when I glanced over at her, she gave me a bashful smile and looked away.

Edward. I swear to god. If you make me act a fool on this trip there won't be a force on earth that can stop me from dismembering you. I shot a pointed yet playful glance at Edward, who responded only by laughing and placing his forehead against my shoulder. With him like that, I took the chance to set my chin atop his head and breathe in the scent of his shampoo. Something I would never get over was learning that even vampires used Axe, and Edward had a penchant for the 3in1 Anarchy scent. I remembered the day I had caught sight of it sitting in his shower when I ran to the bathroom while over at the house.

I had to take a shit, and I left him to play with his music collection that I had teasingly switched two disks in, testing if he really had the layout memorized. Unfortunately for him, I had left my phone in the other room, so curiosity gripped my mind as I looked around the seemingly immaculate bathroom. So much white marble tile and antique brass fixtures, I was flabbergasted. I turned my gaze to the shower tub, where I had to do a double take. This immortal man who was born post indoor plumbing, had a three in one bottle sitting carefully on the edge of the shower. Naturally of course, I reached across the bathroom and snagged it up, reading the brand and scent, then finding the scent description on the back. Suppressing my laughter I had returned the bottle to its original position, finished my business, and promptly left the bathroom to tease the man who was alive to see the rise of basic hygiene.

Back in my current mind, rather than lost to the memory, I felt a mischievous grin spread across my face much as it had during that beautiful December day. Mmm dark pomegranate and sandalwood. I teased him with my thoughts, earning a laugh that jostled me as he left his head on my shoulder. Seriously, all the money you make from questionable insider trading using Alice's foresight, all the time in the world, whiplash level speed, and you don't have the time nor money to buy three separate bottles? I poked his ribs playfully, earning a soft grumble as he suppressed another laugh. Edward Edward Edward. Whatever shall we do with you? I poked him again- and in a flash he was sitting up right, staring me in the eye, mischief boiling below the surface. "No." I barely had time to whisper it before he began to tickle me, my legs kicked out involuntarily and my plead turned into a yelp. The laughter exploded out of me as he pulled me closer, my flailing utterly useless. "Edward!!" I laughed harder as he continued his assault. "Ahh! I'll take it back! I'll take it back! Three in ones are cool!" When he finally stopped tickling me, I was out of breath, and the smile on my face seemed to be permanently adhered.

When I finally glanced up to the front, I saw Carlisle and Esme looking at each other, proud twinkling smiles on their faces. I made the mental note to ask Edward about that later, and then returned my gaze to the topaz eyed demon who still held my wrists captive. "Do you concede?" He asked coolly, his face dipping towards mine and one of his eyebrows raising slyly.

"Never." I challenged back, and at that moment the car took another turn, though this one led us onto a driveway. It wasn't too different from the drive that led to the Cullen's home. Hidden well, very narrow, but well worn. Edward released my wrists as I took in the sight out the window. The sun was just beginning to rise again, bringing new light to the strange landscape I had never seen. When we arrived at the house, set into a similar clearing to the Cullen's own lot, I recognized Esme's handy work immediately. While the house was not identical to that of the Cullen's, it was similar. I was sure there would be a wall of windows on the opposite side as well, but this house was made of a deep dark wood that seemed to warm the landscape around it. The porch in the front also had a balcony that sat above, and the railings of both had been decorated with twinkle lights. The entire house sat on stilts, suggesting this area may flood in the summer. While we drove to the place Carlisle would park the car, Edward pulled my winter coat from the back of the car where it had been shoved, insisting I put it back on. While I accepted I wouldn't win the battle and shoved my arms through the sleeves of the hefty jacket, Carlisle continued driving past the house and pulled into a garage that was nestled into the tree line just east of the house. When we exited the car I was intrigued to see similar cars to what the Cullen's had in their own garage at home. I thought of my friend Jake, who would undoubtedly drool over these souped up race cars, and also thought of Rosalie longingly.

Rose and I had a rocky beginning, it wasn't until she understood I had no desire to join the long list of immortals that she gave me a chance. I had spent all of Black Friday after Thanksgiving sitting in the garage in Forks while Rose slid in and out from under one of the cars. You could offer me a cash prize for naming the vehicle and I would still get the make and model wrong, but listening to Rose tell me about her life before vampirism, and of her life after meeting Emmett... I wouldn't trade that moment for the world. The mechanic Barbie look suited Rose as well, and I was curious if she had ever worked on cars that had existed in her own human life, I was sure she would love to ride in one of those fancy convertibles you see in The Great Gatsby. Imagining Rose and Emmett rolling down a street on a sunny day with glass Coca Cola bottles in their hands and the latest swing music playing through the speakers. When I had mentioned to Rose the beautiful image I had in my head, she looked as if she might cry, and then hugged me. Edward later told me that what I said had meant more to Rose than I could have ever imagined, that warmed my heart.

I looked up at Edward as he took my hand, his other carrying my bag. He squeezed my hand lightly and gave me what seemed to be a loving smile, but there was something else behind it. He must have seen the fondness in my memory of Rose, the love I had grown to have for his adoptive sister. The family seemed to have their hooks in me so deep, and I knew that the day they had to leave me behind would be the day my heart was left shredded, but I didn't care.

I took the bag that Edward allowed me to carry, and then the four of us began our walk from the garage and up the stairs of the porch. When we reached the door I felt my nerves take hold and twist my stomach, I could barely breathe through the anxiety. That's when I felt a small hand touch the center of my back, Esme, she gave me a soft and encouraging smile just before Carlisle knocked on the door.

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