Chapter Forty Seven

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Light filtered through the trees above, my back pressed flat to the soft pine covered flooring of the forest. The babble of a stream nearby colored the air with life as I soaked in the warmth of the summer. Hands as cold as ice played with my hair, but as I tried to tip my head back to look upon the owner of those hands, I heard a feminine laugh and my eyes were covered. "Stop it! I told you that it's too soon, wait until I'm done!" This was a voice I had only heard in my dreams, yet it felt so familiar. Resigning in my loss, I tipped my head forward and earned my vision back, instead my eyes traced the blue fabric that spread out around me like a pool of water. It shone in the light, and I had become intimately familiar with the weight and length of this particular garment.

"Why am I always in this?" I wondered aloud, picking up the circular skirt that was soft and slippery in my fingers.

"Another question I can't answer yet." The woman laughed, and in the corner of my vision red hair that didn't belong to me fluttered in the wind.

"Well who are you?" I asked incredulously.

"My golly little bird, you do have a lot of questions." She tsked. "Just let me work."

"Well what am I supposed to call you if you don't give me a name?" I raised my eyebrows, challenging the way I knew best.

"Call me..." She paused as she thought it over, as if she wasn't trying to give away too much. "Blessing." Her voice picked up a slightly southern accent as the world fell from her lips.

"That's mighty pompus of you." I teased, feeling at ease enough to do so.

"It will make sense, little bird." Blessing laughed as she stroked my hair gently, undoing whatever braid she had started.

"Why do you call me that?" Curiosity stabbed through me.

"Well why wouldn't I?" A pale and glittering hand booped my nose before returning to my hair, leaving behind a cold spot.

"I dont think I'm very bird-like." I flipped my hands through the air, watching as they passed through the light without an extraordinary effect.

"Because, you are a free spirit little bird, so hard to catch sometimes." Blessing sighed, almost as if she was lost in thought for a moment. When she spoke again it was like she chose her words very carefully. "I've been trying for a while. You're always just fluttering out of reach."

"What do you mean?" I wanted to flip around and face Blessing so bad, but I knew that wasn't what she wanted right now, so I took her word without a face to back it up with.

"Well now you've been easy to catch, somethings got you caged, grief maybe... but normally you're feisty." She chuckled. "I can't stay for much longer, little bird. Just keep yourself safe."

"You too Blessing." I whispered back as the dream faded to black.

I woke up with a start, my face pressed against a cold hard surface. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the surroundings, my pajamas cold and damp. I was laying in my backyard, my face had been resting against one of the stone pavers that had been cleared of snow. Shivering, I pushed myself from the ground and walked up to the back door, but with a hard tug, discovered it was locked. "Shit." I mumbled, crossing my arms over myself and curled my bare toes against the chill of the ground.

Of course, I never wore season appropriate pajamas. The unfortunate choice of the night had been a spaghetti strap tank top, which now clung to me like a second skin, and a pair of flannel pajama bottoms, which were now filled with snow as they were too long on me. My hair was also down and in a tangled mess around my face, the wind ripping it left and right as it blew snow into my eyes and nose. While I sent out a silent prayer, I made my way around the house through knee deep snow, hoping with all my might that the front door was unlocked by some freak accident.

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