Chapter Fifty

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The sun broke through my window in brilliant golden rays, bathing my bed and myself in its warmth. It was a blisteringly hot June day and the wind was barely moving. I sat on the phone with Gaia while she went over her plans for this summer, detailing every moment she possibly could. All the while I was scrolling through weather reports for today's swell. "It's surfing time." I repeated again excitedly.

"When do you meet Jake?" Gaia's voice broke through my phone speaker.

"He has work today so I'm driving out just after lunch, I'm gonna hang out with Leah until he's off and then to the beach." I checked the time, I still had a few hours until I even had to strap my board to the roof.

"Has he still not phased?" Gaia exclaimed in disbelief as I placed her on speaker and set my phone down.

I shook my head as I changed webpages and opened tumblr for a moment. "Not according to what I've heard. Has Paul heard anything?"

She was silent as she thought, clearly swept up in the chores she did on the other end, so I took the opportunity to repost a few blogs and check on my queued posts. "No, they are starting to wonder if he just doesn't have the werewolf gene." Gaia finally answered.

"I'm not saying I hope he's forced to be a wolf," I sighed, "but I hope we don't have to keep this a secret for much longer."

"Me neither. I feel so bad, he gets cut out of everything now. But he isn't even sixteen yet is he?" Her dryer started up and began to rattle the phone.

I was in shock, not only from the statement Gaia had just made, but from the excerpt from a fanfic that was displayed proudly on my feed. I shook my head and answered her question before skimming the tags. "His birthday is in December, Gaia." My eyes caught on an unfamiliar tag, and curiosity got the better of me. What the hell is the omegaverse?

"Oh my god I missed his birthday!" I heard shuffling of what I can only assume was her planner. "How old is this kid!? I feel like I make him younger every time we actually see him."

"I just feel like a terrible friend because I haven't hung out with him in months. I haven't even really seen him since I was spending all that time last summer on the reservation." I groaned and shut my laptop, made a mental note to look the fanfic up later, then scooped my phone up and hopped off my bed. "It's just so hard to have him around and not let the secrets slip." I picked up my breakfast dishes and marched them downstairs while carrying my phone with my shoulder and ear. "The last thing I need to do is send him to a mental hospital because he's freaking the hell out about everything."

"Understandable." Gaia said, nearly blowing out my eardrum because I had forgotten to change it from the speaker. I quickly dropped my dishes into the sink and pulled my phone away from my ear. "Are you sure you don't want a ride to the rez? Paul and I don't hang out for another couple hours."

"I'm sure, I have to stop at the store on my way back home. Dad forgot a couple things for dinner tomorrow and asked me to pick them up on my way." That suddenly reminded me that I had been asked to set the chicken out to thaw. I quickly swapped it from freezer to fridge, then walked over to the crockpot my father had set up this morning before leaving. When I lifted the lid the hearty and wonderful smell of chili wafted up and filled the room. I stirred it quickly before replacing the lid and moving back to the sink to do my dishes.

After a few moments of silence from both of us I heard her dryer kick on, laundry day in the Spanò household apparently. I smirked and spun around to look at my kitchen. The whole house seemed to have transformed since the winter. Dad had playfully given me shit for being nervous to tell him I was back with Edward, my sleepwalking had virtually stopped, only a couple times did Edward have to wake me up as I started to fight my way out of bed. I only had scraps of those dreams now, a laugh, a glimmer of red hair, the name 'Blessing' which confused both Edward and I to no end.

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